Chapter Four

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Spencer collapsed onto the bed, as Morgan slowly made his way over.

"You stole the shower from me!" Morgan accused.

"I did not "steal" the shower from you, I was simply just faster." Reid used his fingers to underline the word 'steal'.

"And now you're gonna "steal" the bed from me?" He asked, eyebrows raised, fingers also underlining 'steal', and staring at Reid who was very much comfortable in the bed.

"Mmm, yes." He answered, getting comfortable under the blanket.

"Well you're gonna have to scoot over because it's a night since i slept in a bed, and i'm not waiting another." Morgan turned around, before kneeling and opening his bag, looking for a shirt he could sleep in.

"You said you slept there willingly!" Reid exclaimed surprised, feeling guilty he made the man sleep on his couch rather than he doing so.

"I'm at least wearing a shirt, i typically don't do that, be grateful." Morgan started taking his shirt off before throwing it in his bag.

"What about pants?" Reid asked, admiring the view of Morgan's back muscles.

"It's like 65 degrees outside." Morgan answered, putting on the other shirt.

On the bed, Reid had yet to scoot over. Being frozen in his place, Morgan was wearing a shirt, but no pants? Who does that!

"I'm freezing over here!" Reid protested. Morgan smirked, getting up and sitting on edge of the bed.

"Move." Morgan demanded, Reid didn't move a muscle.

Morgan found himself physically moving Reid, which was easy, but he was damn tired.

Reid then moved himself to the very edge, clinging onto the blanket, laying on his side and looking out the window.

"What was with you walking in on me showering today?" Morgan asked as he laid on his back, hands behind his head, staring into the ceiling.

"I forgot you were there." Reid answered as he turned over, also now laying on his back.

"You forgot?" Morgan scoffed, looking over at Reid who was staring into the ceiling, very obviously refusing eye contact with the other man.

"Hey, what's up with you lately?" Morgan asked, feeling quite concerned for the other.

Reid put his glasses on the night stand, before answering: "Nothings up with me, Derek. I'm fine." A lie.

"You tell me or i'm gonna absolutely tickle the crap out of you." Morgan threatened.

"Did you know tickling was once used as a torture?" Reid finally looked over at Morgan, as he tried to dodge the threat.

Morgan lifted himself up, before attacking the other, his hands finding his way to the man's waist, tickling him, as he cried out.

"Morgan! M-Morgan stop!" He laughed, as he tried to push the other off. "You asked for it." Morgan excused as he continued to tickle the other.

"F-Fine! J-j-just stop!" He whined, sighing relived as Morgan stopped his actions. "Good."

"Okay." Reid caught his breath, before he wiped the sweat off his face, with the sleeve of his shirt. Slowly sitting up, Morgan following the action.

"So?" Morgan asked.

"I'm bisexual." Reid sighed, and closed his eyes as the said the words, waiting for the other man to yell out in disgust.

"That's all?" Morgan asked, feeling a sense of relief that his chance with the man at least went from 0,0001, to 0,0002.

"That's all? I just shared the biggest secret of my entire life with you!" Reid said in shock, glad that Morgan wasn't disgusted, or hated him, but at least wanted more of a reaction.

"Well, congratulations." Morgan added.

"And there's this guy."

Morgan felt his stomach drop at least 50 feet, a guy? The yoga instructor?

"Who?" Morgan replied a little too cold, looking at Reid with stone cold eyes.

'God, he's uncomfortable, i should never have said anything!' Reid thought to himself as he panicked.

"Never mind." He whispered, going back to laying down on his side, when Morgan's hand harshly grasped onto his wrist, limiting any blood from reaching his hand.

"No." Morgan demanded.

"Okay." Reid changed.

Morgan didn't speak a word, till Reid was comfortably sat on the bed again.

"He's, well, older, he's 35.. I see him a lot, and he's well, muscled." Morgan watched as Reid smiled, eyes shining and cheeks going pink, as he spoke about this guy.

"He's a really good friend, he knows me very well, he's tall, got an eye blinding smile, he's super funny, and he's straight." Morgan watched Reid's smile drop at the last sentence.

"Is this mystery man your yoga teacher?" Morgan asked.

"No!" Reid laughed, first of all his yoga teacher was married, and not his type, at all.

"Who is he then?" Morgan asked, trying to smile.

"I'm not gonna tell you." Reid brought his legs up to his torso.

"Give me another hint." Morgan asked, leaning his head back against the headboard.

"He's black, bald, about 6 foot." Reid described, one side of him hoping Morgan would guess it, and another hoping he wouldn't.


"He's from Chicago, but he lives here."

"Come on Spencer."

"He looks ridiculously good in a v-neck, he's got somewhat of beard, and his job requires him to carry a firearm."

"So he's a cop?"




A silence filled the room, as Derek was trying to figure out who this man was, when it hit him, face first and everything.

"Is this man in the same bed as you, Spencer?" Morgan asked, his eyes focused on Reid's as the younger man's face turned a pale pink.

Reid starting to regret what he's reveled, panicking on the inside, thinking that Morgan damn definitely knew.

Which wasn't untrue.

The exact opposite actually.

"Is this man, in the same bed as you?"


Morgan stared into the air for a bit, the silence falling heavy. Reid, who's heart was now racing, started to regret every word he said.

Reid zoned out, thinking that this must be the biggest mistake he's made, ever. He was thrown, violently, out of his head, when a warm pair of lips attacked his.

It took him a moment to realize, before kissing the man back.



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