Chapter Sixteen

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"Derek!" Reid whined when his boyfriend went to get up.

"And I'm clingy?" Morgan chuckled, as he went into the bathroom, getting a towel. Reid was very sweaty, which was honestly fair enough when you think about that intense workout Morgan had just put him through.

The two were very exhausted, especially Morgan, he wasn't as young as he used to be, and that comes with the side effects of not having the same energy as he did when he was 19.

"Come here." Morgan smiled, gestures for Reid to sit up, which he did. He looked so pretty, in a state like this, he was oh so pretty. His sweaty forehead made his hair stick to it like glue, his cheeks were rosy, his eyes were teary and his neck was bruised.

Morgan softly wiped the variety of bodily fluids off Reid, doing all the work as Reid was basically asleep.

"Come here." Morgan simply muttered as he placed a hand on the back of Reid's head, pulling his close.

Their sweaty foreheads stuck together like glue, as Morgan lovingly kissed Reid's mouth. Reid loved how much Morgan kissed him, he felt his heart flutter every time Morgan wrapped a hand around his waist, put a hand to the back of his head, wrapped his arms around him, anything. How he would think out loud, and say "come here" "you're so pretty", he loved it, he loved it oh so much.

Morgan laid down, wrapping his arms around the smaller boy in his bed, he held him close, squeezed him as Reid found Morgan's armpit very comfortable.


"I can't believe it's already been a day." Reid complained as Morgan had drove them to his apartment, so Reid could wear some more clean clothes. Reid was complaining loudly, which was rare since Reid normally loved work, as Morgan did his tie.

"I thought you loved work?" Morgan asked, finishing up Reid's tie, as he walked to the living room.

Reid followed close behind, as he grabbed his jacket and bag, following Morgan to his car. "I do! But I miss yesterday." Reid sighed as he clicked his seatbelt.

Morgan smiled at that, beginning the drive to the bureau.


"I can't believe I'm gonna have to not kiss you for the next, like 8 hours." Morgan pouted as he was lovingly kissing Reid in his car outside the bureau.

"Think you're gonna survive?" Reid asked sarcastically as he exited the car, Morgan already missing his mouth against his. "Nope." He smiled.

Morgan clicked the elevator button, as Rossi stepped up beside the two of them.

Reid felt his heart beat fast, as Rossi eyed him up at down suspiciously, before entering the elevator, the two other following suit.

"So." Rossi began, standing in the middle of the two. "How was your day off?" Rossi looked at Morgan, seeing the obvious bite mark.

"Fine." Reid choked out as he felt he was about to die.

"Yeah, fine." Morgan repeated, hating that he was a profiler for this exact reason. Nobody could have secrets, ever.

"I can see." Rossi replied as the elevator binged, signaling they were at the 6th floor


"Okay so thankfully we have our beloved boys back." Garcia began as she laid the cases on the round table, clicking on the remote.

"Yesterday in Boston Massachusetts, Tobias Williams 34 was killed in his home, single bullet to the throat, the Boston PD was able to connect it to another case, 3 weeks ago, where Eddie Smith was killed, he was also 34, and the police were able to match the gun that killed them." Garcia explained as photos flew on the screen, one by one.

"Both men were single fathers, they both had two sons, Tobias' are 14 and 16, and Eddie's are 13 and 16." Garcia continued.

"He obviously has a very specific type, single fathers in their mid thirties with teenage sons, it's unlikely that he'll kill out of this very specific type." Morgan added.

"Wheels up in 30."


"Hi." Reid opened the door to the men's room, smiling softly as he saw Morgan lean against the sink, waiting specifically for him.

"Why aren't you on the plane yet?" Reid asked, as they had what, 10 minutes till they were leaving?

"I can't believe I'm gonna have to resist to kiss you for so many hours." Morgan complained as he pulled Reid close, up against his chest, ignoring his question.

"You're gonna need another hobby." Reid gently placed his arms around his neck, pulling himself impossibly close to the other.

"I don't want another hobby." Morgan complained once more, softly attaching his lips onto Reid's, placing a short, loving kiss.

"I really hope they're overbooked again." Reid meant the hotel, he wanted to cuddle up against Morgan's chest every second of the day.

"You're so pretty." Morgan complimented as he held Reid's face in his hands, wondering how he got to this point, kissing, dating a man, that man being no other that Dr. Spencer Reid. "You say that all the time." Reid smiled as he leaned into Morgan's touch.

"I mean it every time." Morgan placed another sweet kiss to Reid's lips.

"Am I interrupting something?"

Rossi stood at the entrance to the bathroom, taking in the scene in front of him. Morgan leaning against the sink, Reid leaning against Morgan, Reid's face in Morgan's hands, their lips barely apart.

Reid quickly moved back, flustered, red as a tomato as he panicked, looking first at Rossi, then at Morgan, then at Rossi.

"I suppose." Morgan choked out as he panicked, drying his sweaty hands on his pants.

"Might wanna pull your collar up a notch Reid." Rossi pointed at his own neck, gesturing to a very purple hickey on Reid's neck. Instinctively Reid slapped his hand on his neck as Rossi exited the bathroom again.

Rossi smiled to himself as he walked through the bureau, hearing the two men quietly yell at each other.

"We're so busted!" Reid walked in circles, panicking.

"Rossis not gonna say anything." Morgan assured as he put his hands on Reid's lower arms, stopping him from moving.

"Why not?" Reid asked dumbfounded.

"I got blackmail, Rossi's seeing Strauss." Morgan smiled, that million dollar blinding smile.

"He is?!" Reid gasped loudly, returning the smile Morgan was sending him.

"Yeah, and I'm sure the high ups are gonna be happy to hear that one of their own is dating an employee." Morgan calmly explained.

"You're so amazing." Reid smacked his lips against Morgan's, putting his hands on either side of Morgan's face.

"I know." Morgan wrapped his arms around Reid. "You do wanna pull your collar up though." Morgan revealed, smiling as he eyed down his own artwork.

"This was your fault!" Reid groaned annoyed as he pulled up his collar.

"Guilty as charged." Morgan kissed Reid again, knowing they had to leave right about now.


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