Chapter Fifteen ⚠️

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The two had spent the day rather well. Watching movies, laughing, and Morgan's new favorite activity: kissing Reid. Just over his second favorite activity: carrying Reid around like some toddler.

"Will you ever get tired of that?" Reid playfully groaned as Morgan once more stole a kiss. "Not really." He simply replied, wrapped an arm around Reid's waist as he held him close.

Reid loved it, that was true. He loved every time Morgan would peck his lips, kiss him, wrap an around around him, pick him up.

Embarrassingly enough, he liked, no, loved how easy it was for Morgan to throw him around.

"You're acting like a prepubescent love-sick middle school boy." Reid groaned as Morgan lifted him up by his legs, like he was nothing. Reid had grown quite fond of the way his legs fit around Morgan's waist.

"Don't act like you don't like it." Morgan smiled as he pressed Reid against the wall, feeling Reid's hands cup his face as he leaned in for a kiss.

Morgan loved how Reid's mouth fit against his, hell, this hadn't even been official for 24 hours, but he had 5 years of kisses to make up for.

Reid had accidentally let it slip, they were talking about the team, and how they were when they first joined compared to now, Morgan was quite surprised, since he had shared all his 4 hour long love affairs with Reid during those 5 years.

He was glad it wasn't just him that felt choked every time they shared a room.

Then Morgan let something slip too.

That dream.

He remembers it clearly, how real it felt.

He was shocked to hear Reid had had the exact same dream, that exact night.

That caused the doctor to go on a 30 minute rant about dreams, soulmates and stuff like that. Morgan didn't stop him, he loved hearing him rant, hearing his endless knowledge being spilled out like a waterfall.

Morgan came back to reality when Reid softly bit his neck, just hard enough for him to feel it.

Reid pulled back, looking for a sign of discomfort. Instead he found a very flustered Morgan. "Do that again." He groaned as he tilted his head to the side.

Reid bit his neck again, this time a bit harder, he felt the vibrations in his neck when his boyfriend groaned loudly.

Who knew Morgan would be one to have a biting kink?

Reid softly licked over the bite marks, giving every one love, as he heard Morgan groan louder and louder.

"I know I said I wouldn't try anything." Morgan groaned deeply as he grew harder against Reid's thigh. "But you're making this really hard."

"Literally." Reid replied cheeky, smiling at his own joke. He himself was fighting a war to not harden like a rock against Morgans stomach.

Morgan walked over to the kitchen island, placing Reid down, before he pulled off the wayyy (as Reid had said) too big shirt Morgan had borrowed him.

Despite them being similar in height, what fit Morgan just right, hung over Reid's slender frame like a shower curtain.

"I know I said it looked good on you." Morgan began, throwing the shirt somewhere on the floor. "But quite frankly I prefer it off."

Reid gasped when Morgan's cold hand ran down his body, stopping at the single piece of clothing keeping them at distance.

"Please, Derek." Reid softly moaned as Morgan sucked a bruise into his neck. "Please what?" Morgan asked as he sucked another bruise. Reid moaned louder, leaning his head back, giving Morgan more access.

"Stop teasing, I want you, please." Reid begged as he felt Morgan suck another bruise. He loved it, he loved how gentle Morgan was, he loved how he was being marked up, for the team to see tomorrow.

"Patience." Morgan simply replied as he continued to suck bruises into his delicate skin.

Reid slowly began trying to gain some sort of friction, trying to move his hips against Morgan's.

Morgan stopped dead in his tracks, placing a hand on Reid's waist, keeping him still, causing the younger to let out a desperate whine.

"I just said patience, love." Morgan sighed disappointed as he looked deeply into his eyes.

"I'm sorry- I just-" Reid gasped when Morgan pulled off his own shirt before then ripping off his boxers, Morgan groaned as the cold air hit his dick.

"Shh." Morgan whispered quietly as he lifted Reid's legs, changing his position on the counter so he was laying down on the island, legs hanging off, as he lifted himself up with his elbows.

Morgan was seriously addicted to that sweet innocent look Reid had, he looked at you as if you asked him apples or oranges, and not literally undressed him and laid him down on a kitchen counter.

"You're so pretty." Morgan smiled as he kissed Reid once more.


I have so many chapters ready to be posted, get ready!!

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