Chapter seventeen

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The plane ride was calm, almost too calm. Reid sat comfortably next to Morgan, feeling his hand brush against his thigh a little too many times to just be accidental.

Reid smiled at the soft touch, careful not to draw attention to himself.

From the other side of the plane, Hotch was sat next to Rossi, eyeing them down, Reid felt the hair on his neck rise, worrying that Rossi told him.


They arrived at around noon, Hotch and Reid meeting the Detektive at the station, Prentiss and JJ talking to the families, while Morgan and Rossi were headed to the latest crime scene.

Reid was nervous as they headed inside, Hotch greeted the Detektive as normal, Reid waving awkwardly at him, he then showed them to the conference room.

As soon as the Detektive left again, closing the door. Hotch spoke up, breaking the silence. "Hey Reid?" He asked, normal, too normal.

"Yes?" Reid's eyes shot up. "Can I ask you something?" Hotch began, sitting down at the table. Reid followed suit, sitting directly in front of his boss.

"Is there anything going on between you and Morgan?" Hotch asked, he knew, Rossi told him, that must be it, Reid thought to himself.

"I suppose not, why?" Reid felt his hands becoming sweaty, wiping them in his pants. He knew Hotch was aware of his nervousness

"Just the unusual touching, Morgan offering to share a room with you at the hotel, you arriving at work together." Hotch began, sighing before he finished. "And I don't think a girl would bruise like that." Hotch gestured to his neck.

"Well- I'm sorry-" Reid don't know what to say. "I have no issues with either of you dating each other, or men for that matter. I just want you to be honest with me." Hotch folded his hands on the table, keeping his voice down.

"Okay." Reid knew there was no way around this, at least Hotch didn't mind. "Don't let it get in the way of your abilities to think clearly at work, okay?" Reid nodded at that.

"And tell him not to, bruise you." Hotch swallowed, hiding his blushing face. "It's not a very professional look."

Reid nodded awkwardly.


"So." Rossi began. Morgan was beside him, sitting in the SUV, driving them to the crime scene.

"Don't tell anyone." Morgan simply said as he continued to drive.

Rossi laughed at that. "Oh we know, last week we placed a bet on how long until you slipped." Morgan smiled, enjoying the pleasant surprise.

"Who is 'we'?" Morgan laughed. "Garcia, JJ, Prentiss, Hotch and me." Rossi revealed. "Who won?" Morgan asked. "Oh me, of course." Rossi sounded half offended Morgan would ever guess anyone else had won.

"Trying to keep that secret in a room of profilers was a stupid idea." Rossi explained.

"I think we did okay." Morgan shrugged. Rossi laughed once more. "Oh no, Prentiss made me walk in and bust you." Morgan looked shocked at that.

"You weren't slick at all, Reid was head over heels, and you could cut the sexual tension in that elevator with a knife." Rossi smiled.

"Damn." Morgan simply smiled, arriving at the scene.


At the hotel, sadly, there was enough rooms.

Hotch pulled Reid to the side. "No funny business, okay?" He whispered making sure none of the team saw, as he handed Reid two room keys.

Reid must've looked at him funny, because he then added. "Connected rooms." He explained, seeing how Reid's face lit up.

"Thanks." Reid smiled, taking the keys, but Hotch held them back. "No horizontal dancing." He assured, smiling at how embarrassed Reid looked. "Hotch!" Hotch smiled at him, waiting for an answer. Reid sighed. "Okay." He took the keys and went back the team.

"Alright, let's get some sleep, 7:30 here tomorrow!" Hotch said to the team as they headed to their rooms.

Morgan walked to Hotch, looking at him with a questionable look. Hotch got the hint. "Reid has them." Morgan nodded, immediately leaving.

Hotch smiled seeing how Morgan was basically running to the doctor.

"Hi." Reid smiled, handing him a key. "Hey you." Morgan brushed his hand against Reid's, hearing the bosses door close. "Shared room." Reid smiled, grabbing ahold of Morgan's hand, leading him to their rooms.

Morgan headed to his own, getting ready for bed, before knocking on their shared door.

Reid opened the door, feeling Morgan immediately kiss him.

"Longest 8 hours of my life." Morgan whispered as he kissed Reid again.

"Derek I wanna sleep!" Reid complained, trying to push Morgan off him. "One more." Reid sighed, letting Morgan kiss him one more time.

"Thank god it's a queen." Morgan sighed, throwing his shirt off, loving how the cold air hit his chest. Reid would never get used to that.

Reid got himself out of his work clothes, trying to quickly get dressed for bed, rushing to get ready.

Reid sighed, finally climbing onto the bed, laying on top of Morgan. "We have a queen and you still chose to lay on my sweaty chest." Morgan laughed, stroking Reid's hair.

The two laid together like one, Reid listened to Morgan's heartbeat, as Morgan drew circles on his back.

"They know." Reid revealed, expecting Morgan to be more shocked. "I know, Rossi told me." Morgan smiled, Reid laughed softly at that. "Hotch doesn't have a problem, we just have to stay professional." Morgan nodded.

"Speaking of professional." Reid began, feeling his face heat up. "Hickeys aren't exactly that." Morgan sighed playfully disappointed. "Damn it." Morgan chuckled hearing how Reid laughed.

"They placed bets." Morgan thought of his conversation with Rossi. "Rossi won." Reid scoffed at that. "Of course, get the rich Italian man more money." Morgan started to draw circles on Reid's back.

"When Hotch gave me the room keys." Reid swallowed awkwardly. "He said quote 'no funny business'" Morgan laughed loudly at that. "I have to resist you for a whole night?" Reid laughed at that, feeling how Morgan's chest shook.

"You're so pretty." Morgan thought out loud. "You say that all the time." Reid softly changed his position, so his legs were on either side of Morgan's waist, his arms wrapping around Morgan's neck.

"I mean it." Morgan promised, kissing Reid's lips in a quick peck. "You're so beautiful, i can't get enough of you." Morgan kept speaking. "Continue." Reid moaned softly, tired, about to fall asleep.

Morgan smiled at the smaller boy on his chest, squeezing him. "You look so good in red." Morgan complimented, thinking of the red button down he wore today. "You're so pretty, i wish you were the first thing I see in the morning and the last I see at night." Reid looked up. "I'd like that." He smiled, looking deeply into Morgan's eyes. "You would?" "So much." Reid kissed Morgan softly, not letting him go, kissing him for what felt like seconds, but was probably minutes.

"Good night." Reid changed his position, laying against Morgan's side, cuddling up against his neck, placing his leg over Morgan's.

"Good night beautiful." Morgan smiled, getting comfortable as he threw the comforter over them.


And sweet and lovely dovey, what could possibly go wrong...

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