Chapter Thirteen⚠️

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It was one of the first times Reid had been here. Morgan's place was cozy, but a total different aesthetic of what Reid's apartment looked like.

"Make yourself comfortable, okay?" Morgan assured as he locked the door after the both of them.

Morgan smiled as he saw Reid curiously investigate his place. "Didn't think you'd be into records." Reid said as he gently looked through his collection, careful, almost too careful, not to break or scratch anything. Like they would snap into a thousand pieces with one wrong touch.

"They were my pops." Morgan reveled as he softly rubbed Reid's shoulder. The doctor stood up, turning to face Morgan who was barely inches away. Reid subtly licked his lips, Morgan took the hint, leaning in and placing a sweet kiss on his lips, placing a hand on the back of his head for support as he was afraid of hurting him, after the hit he had taken to his head.

The kiss only broke when both men needed to breathe again, Morgan didn't remove his hand for a bit, just staring at the others gorgeous brown eyes, and his ever so slightly bruised red lips.

Morgan removed his hand, gesturing towards the kitchen. "You want anything?" He asked as he placed himself at the edge of the counter, leaning with his back against the counter.

"No thank you." Reid replied. He felt safe, he felt extremely safe and home in the presence of Morgan.

"Okay." Morgan knew what had to come, he knew what he wanted, and had an idea of what Reid wanted, but it was just the question if it could work.

"It could work." Reid reveled, as if reading Morgan's thoughts. He himself had jumped on the counter, sitting at the edge. Morgan hadn't said anything, so he figured he didn't mind. Reid had a thing for sitting on counters, endless space and a firm surface.

"I know." Morgan simply replies, he desperately wanted it to work, he really did. "We'd have to be careful, cameras and stuff, plus we're in a room of profilers on a daily basis." Morgan didn't hide the obvious truth, Reid nodded subtly.

Reid looked concerned though, his brows arched, and looking at the floor. He looked as if he was thinking of something very deep.

"Hey?" Morgan had walked over, placing a hand on one side of Reid, to support his weight as he was leaning over, his other hand was firmly interlocked with Reid's.

"Hi." Reid simply replied, Morgan watched how his face expression changed just like that. A soft smile was on his face instead, he looked at place.

"What are you thinking about?" Morgan asked out of pure curiosity, returning the smile Reid was sending his way. "Just thinking of the statistics that this was ever gonna happen." Reid's smiled became even bigger, his pupils were bigger.

"What did you find out?" Morgan asked, his face was just inches from Reid's, he wanted to kiss him, love him.

"Less than .17%" Reid smiled as this time he indicated the kiss, closing the distance between them, as Morgan squeezed his hand even tighter. Both men smiled into the kiss as Reid's hand found it's way to the back of Morgan's neck, keeping him close.

"Hey I have question?" Reid asked as he pulled back, his hand fiddling with the tag of Morgan's shirt. The other looked at his lover with awe, feeling Reids fingers slightly scrape his upper back.

"What's up?"

"Why do you always call me 'Pretty Boy', Derek?"

"Cause that's what you are, Spencer. And I'm gonna tell you how-" peck "pretty" peck "you" peck "are every" peck ", single," peck "goddamn day for the rest of my life." Morgan finally gave him a real kiss, both his hands now placed on the doctors waist, with a soft hold.

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