Chapter Nineteen

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"Good morning you." Morgan softly stroked Reid's hair as the man was laid on his chest, clinging onto his boyfriend.

"5 more minutes." Reid complained as he yawned loudly, closing his eyes again.

Reid felt his heart flutter when he heard the older man softly chuckle, feeling how his body shook. "Serial killers don't sleep." He smiled.

"It is physically impossible to go more than around 264 hours without sleep, and not more than 3 days to effectively be an effective serial killer, dumbo." Reid ranted as he kept his eyes shut.

Morgan scoffed. "You did not just call me dumbo." He said playfully offended. "Yes i did, what are you gonna do about it?" Reid shot back, immediately regretting it when he felt himself being flipped over, his eyes shot up, as Morgan started tickling his waist.

"That's- that's cheating!" He complained as he burst out laughing, trying to push the other off him.

"No rules to break babyboy." Morgan grinned evilly as he continued to attack the smaller man. "Sto-stop!" Reid laughed, Morgan finally stopped, allowing the other to breathe properly.

Reid breathed heavily for a bit, his chest sinking and rising fast, as he started at the man who's hands were planted on either side of his face, his eyes full of love.

"Come on you pretty thing, Hotch expects us ready in.." Morgan took a glance at his phone. "16 minutes." Reid's eyes shot up. "16 MINUTES? WHY DIDNT YOU SAY ANYTHING!" Reid jumped out of bed, his body tangled in the sheets.

Morgan watched as Reid hurried inside the bathroom, where he then heard the shower being turned on.

"HEY! I thought we had a deal, 'no showers without each other'!?" Morgan half ran over to the bathroom door, opening it.

Morgan walked over to the shower, trying to open it before he heard Reid yell in his face.


Absolutely flabbergasted Morgan took a step back, before taking off his cloths, opening and entering the shower quick enough that Reid didn't have a chance to push him out.

Reid looked at the taller man in front of his, feeling two fingers being planted under his chin before Morgan softly lifted it up.

"I don't like this Dumbo thing you've got going on." He smiled as he said the last word, planting a soft kiss to Reid's lips.


"Morning." Reid awkwardly said to his boss as he entered the station.

"Good morning?" Hotch asked confused, Reid barely ever said 'morning' it was always 'good morning', and on top of that, Reid was slightly late.

Hotch made sense of the situation when he saw a rather very cheerful Morgan walked through the door, right behind Reid.

The two of them sat down with the rest of the team at the table, Prentiss and JJ sending each other different eyes, trying to tell what had happened.

"No new murders." Hotch broke the silence. No one said anything for a few seconds. "I asked Garcia to look into the mothers, she'll hit us back when she's done." Hotch added.

Rossi had begun reading the case file through again, not giving into any of the glances being sent around the room.

Reid eventually did the same, despite already having read it 3 times, and memorized the entire thing, he read it another 3 times while waiting for the awkward tension to settle.

Which it eventually did, but not after Hotch first made many poor and more awkward attempts to settle the situation.


"Okay so," Garcia began, looking at the team through her screen. "You asked me to do a deep dive on the mothers, and all of them are dead." Garcia sighed. "COD?" Hotch asked. "Cancer, DUI, armed robbery turned homicide."

"So it isn't the way the mothers died, it's just the fact that they are dead, how old were they Garcia?" Hotch concluded. "38, 41, 36."

On the other side of the room Reid was staring at the photo ID's of the victims, trying to find some kind of resemblance.

"Reid?" Hotch snapped, spitting out his name rather loud as he shot the younger an angry glare, Reid looked up confused, as he found the whole team staring at him, most with a concerned or confused look, Hotch looked mad, but Morgan was worried, concerned, and perhaps slightly confused.

"Sorry." Reid muttered awkwardly. Hotch continued to look at him for a few more seconds before getting back to the point.

"Like I said," Hotch began, glaring annoyed at Reid before continuing. "-A nanny for another apartment has come forward with videotape of someone walking towards Tobias Williams apartment, the day he died."

"Have they ID'ed them yet?" Prentiss asked, folding her hands on the table.

"No, he was wearing a mask, but at the reception it is a requirement to check in when you enter." Hotch softly explained, glancing over at Reid.

"Okay, anyone who checked in at that time?" Reid asked confused as why his boss was specifically looking at him.

"Yes, 3." Hotchs stare got worse. "Who?" Reid asked, extremely confused.

"Sarah Goodman, Elizabeth Sam Young." Hotch stopped suddenly, not speaking for a few seconds until Morgan broke the silence.

"And?" Morgan jumped in, almost more confused than Reid by this whole situation.

"Elijah Anderson."


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