Chapter Fourteen

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It was about 5:30 when Reid first woke up, out of habit of course, he went to get up, which he then discovered he couldn't. A strong pair of arms had him in possessive a hold, he was pressed against Morgan's chest, Reid's face being in the crook of his neck.

Oh god, he thought to himself as he discovered something else.

They were both very naked, the sheets were tangled, all corners of the mattress were bare, the comforter was sideways, and two of the pillows were on the floor.

Reid immediately felt his face redden, his leg was over Morgan's hip, and his leg was tangled between his. Morgan had his arms wrapped around his at his waist, keeping him so close they might melt together, Reid's hands were on Morgan's arm, and around his neck.

Flashbacks of last night flew through his mind, Morgan, THE Derek Morgan, womanizer above all womanizers, was his boyfriend. Not his best friend, was he really dating the man he had fantasied about for the last, 5 years?

Reid spaced out, until he was suddenly brought back to reality when Morgan woke up, stretching his arms and opening his eyes. His eyes weren't full of shock, or regret, or even disgust, no, they were full of love. This was really real.

"Good morning to you too." Morgan chucked as he stared at Reid's flustered face in complete awe, he brought a hand into his brown, fluffy bed hair, stroking it softly.

"Morning." Reid smiled as he hid his face deeper into Morgan's shoulder, only for Morgan to force him back, before placing a loving kiss to his lips.

Reid tried to pull back, smiling as he complained playfully, "Your breath stinks!" Morgan laughed as he kept Reid from going anywhere. "So does yours, you hear me complaining?" Morgan fired back as he rolled over, now laying on top of his boyfriend.

Reid dragged his hand down Morgan's incredibly well build torso, loving how rock hard every muscle was. He didn't think he could truly call anyone 'muscular' after having seen Morgan naked.

Morgan adored how innocent Reid could act, how curious he could be when he touched Morgans body, how he could drag his fingers for ages, feeling every nook and cranny, loving every bit about him.

Reid couldn't get enough when he was stopped in his tracks, a pair of warm lips being smashed onto his. Reid's mouth was absolute heaven to Morgan, how he tasted so sweet on a what, Thursday morning at 5 am? That was a real mystery.

"It's 5 am." Morgan laughed as Reid chased his lips when he broke the kiss, wanting more, wanting everything that Morgan had. Reid whined when Morgan shook his head, rolling back over, laying on his back, staring into the ceiling as he was tangled into the sheets.

So was Reid, but not so elegantly, he pulled the comforter completely off Morgan in an attempt to get loose. He eventually just got up, in defeat.

Reid instantly flustered up when he felt the burning stare of the other agents eyes on his behind, he collected his remaining clothes, when he felt a cold hand grab a hold of his waist, Morgans thumb rubbing circles in this skin.

"It hasn't even been 12 hours." Reid complained as he stood up, turning around facing Morgan.

"Im not gonna try anything." He assured as he kissed his boyfriend sweetly, wrapping his arms around him.

"You're naked." Reid revealed the obvious as he wrapped his arms around his neck. "So are you." Morgan said back, before getting out of Reid's hold, and getting himself dressed in the pair of boxers he had abandoned the night before.

Reid did the same, just his boxers, so it wouldn't be too weird.

"I'm already bored." Reid complained as he flopped down on the bed. "Well excuse me." Morgan fired back.

"I can't believe Hotch made us take a day off!" Reid complained as he started searching for his clothes, not to put them on, but to at least get them in one single pile.

"Where's my vest?" Reid asked as he had searched the entire bedroom, Morgan smirked wildly as he explained, "Well you got desperate last night-" "I did not." "It's in the kitchen." Morgan simply replied as he went over, kissing his boyfriend so lovingly.

Reid wrapped his arms around the others neck, while Morgan had his hands around his waist. "I can't get enough of you." Morgan whispered before be added. "Jump." Reid did exactly that, wrapping his legs around the other as he felt Morgan's cold hands being planted at his thighs, keeping him secure.

"I thought you weren't gonna try anything." Reid quoted Morgan's own words from just minutes prior. "I won't." He smiled as he carried Reid all the way to the kitchen, placing him on one of the counters. Stepping over their abandoned clothes.

"You hungry?" Morgan asked, sliding himself in between Reid's legs, just barely inches from his face. That certainly didn't help Reid think any clearer.

"I typically don't eat breakfast." Reid replied almost falling over his own words.

"Okay." Morgan simply replied as he went in to kiss Reid once more. Reid stopped him, "Your mouth has been on mine more times today than it has not." Reid smiled, finding Morgan's hand and interlocking their fingers.

"You're simply addicting." Morgan replied  wrapping an arm around Reid's waist, pulling his against his chest so there was barely an inch between them. "Humans can't be addicting." Reid replied im a as-a-matter-of-fact ton. "You are." Morgan placed a quick peck on his lips.

"You, are, simply, addicting." Morgan placed a peck on his lips between every word, Reid smiled stupidly, as he kissed Morgan deeply, not caring that they were practically naked in his kitchen on a Thursday morning at 5 am.

Maybe a day off wasn't so bad.


Thanks for all the love y'all!!!

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