In The Meantime

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You make your way to your car and you get inside.

You: man I'm tired.

Volition: you can clean your office when you get back from your thing with Lucy.

You: so what about the case?

Visual calculus: it's gone cold. It may be awhile for something to come up so in the meantime find something to do.

You drive back to your office and head inside. You walk to your room and lie down on the bed.

9:00 am

You wake up to Lucy slapping you awake.

Pain threshold:it barely hurt.

You:"what the fuck was that for?"

Lucy: "I came by 3 hours ago and you were still asleep."

You:" I'll have you know I stayed up till midnight and barely slept at all."

Lucy:"I thought being unconscious counted as sleep."

You:"I was tired okay. Besides I'm awake now."

You get up and enter your office. You sit down on the chair near the desk.

You:"what do you need?"

Lucy:"I run with a group of mercenaries and I told my boss about you and he asked if you could help us."

You:"I'm not a Merc."

Lucy:"remember what you told me. I help you, you help me."

Rhetoric: can't argue with her.

You:"fine I'll help you."

Lucy:"good, let's go I'll show you the way."

You leave and walk to your car. You start the car and begin to drive it to the location Lucy needs you to go. She tells you to stop in front of an apartment complex.

You:"is this the place?'

Lucy:"it is."

You get your of the car and go inside. She takes you to the door of her crew's base.

Lucy:"remember only speak when you need to."

She knocks on the door and you are greeted with a midget.

Midget:"is this him?"

Lucy:"it is."

Rebecca:"nice to meet you. I'm Rebecca."

Half-light: I don't trust her.

You: you don't trust anyone.

Half-light: I have the capacity to trust. I just don't show it often.

You:"name's (f/n)"

Lucy:"let's go on."

You walk in and sit down on the couch. Suddenly a huge guy sits down next to you.

Composure: keep you cool. If this guy's the leader you don't want to piss him off.

Maine: "I'm Maine. You must be the detective that Lucy talked about."

you:"yes I am."

Maine:"good, do you know why you are here."


Maine:"we need an extra guy for a job we're doing and Lucy said you got the physical ability to be our extra guy."

You:"sure I'll help."

Maine:"good kiwi will debrief on the job."


Maine:"I like you kid. You barely speak."

Cyberpunk Elysium (male reader x cyberpunk edgerunners)Where stories live. Discover now