ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚 : ℝ𝕖𝕙𝕒𝕤𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕡𝕒𝕤𝕥

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Chapter two

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Chapter two


I get up and rush out of the Great Hall. The sounds of cutlery slamming against the plates, the students' discussions that go through my head and the smell of all the food made available to the students for their greatest pleasure...all this makes me nauseous and only increases the feeling of oppression that assails me at this very moment.

As I keep running and finally reach the exit door, I nearly bump into someone. This person is obviously taller than me, considering that my head hit his chest. I know I bumped into him as I wasn't looking where I was going, but I can't help grumbling.

' Seriously, can't you watch where you're going ?! ' I snapped, holding my head.

Still without looking ahead, I turn away from this guy and walk out the door, but he grabs my wrist and pulls me towards him.
I finally raise my head to find out who I'm dealing with and to give him a murderous look that only I have the secret. But any urge to confront this person immediately disappears.

He's there. Facing me. He dares to stand in front of me, after all that has happened.

Images from the last time we were together come to mind.

A week ago

' Flipendo ! '

' Protego ! '

I managed to shield myself at the last second from my assailant's spell. This idiot is starting to tire me. I know he will soon be out of breath, he is getting tired. Hold on Y/n !

' Crucio ! '

My spell hits the middle-aged man in front of me, who immediately arches his back in pain. I continue to attack him without stopping, my wrist becomes painful.

' Incendio ! ' I hear behind me. Great, he manages to kill those damn Inferius.

My attacker gets up with difficulty, immeasurable rage in his eyes.

' You still haven't had enough ?! ' I said to him, a sarcastic chuckle crossing my lips.

' You're both oblivious, you don't know what you're doing. You are dangerous to each other ! ' he said, casting Bombarda at me.

I fall to the ground a few meters further. My ribs hurt horribly, my ears ring.
Hearing the crash produced by my body against the ground, my friend rushes in my direction, and turns to his eldest, determined to get it over with. He takes over from me and bombards him with spells, he gets out of control.

Out of breath but still standing, our assailant addresses my partner.

' She cannot be healed, Sebastian. You must stop. '

He limps and is no longer able to attack us, struggling to hold his wand. But Sebastian doesn't want to hear anything and continues to weaken him. I too fought against him, but the young Slytherin is despite everything more violent than me in his gestures. He'll end up killing him if this continues, I have to stop him.

I try to get up, but my body hurts so much that I let out a little howl of pain. I can't even articulate a single word, I can only watch the scene unfolding under my eyes. Sebastian continues to hammer his uncle with spells, uttering a few cries of effort.

' Argh ! I won't let her suffer. Avada Kedavra '

' NO ! ' I finally manage to shout, reaching out my hand to Solomon Sallow.

But it's too late, his lifeless body collapses to the ground, defeated. Tears begin to flow from my eyes uncontrollably. I cry silently. I can clearly see that Sebastian is struggling to realize what he has just done. He slowly lowers his head to his wand and drops it to the ground. None of us speak. We look at the body of the man who was once her uncle, dead by his will.

' Depulso ! ' I hear from across the room.

Sebastian finds himself thrown backwards, his head hitting one of the stone walls violently. I see the person to whom this voice belongs more clearly when she advances in the middle of the room. It's Anne, Sebastian's twin sister. She was cursed by goblins a while ago. Therefore she is very weak and can hardly leave her house, she even had to leave Hogwarts.

' Incendio ! ' Anne turned, her wand facing her, killing the few remaining Inferius.

She then rushes to her uncle, gently turning his remains towards her, sobbing. Sebastian looks at her sadly, trying to catch his breath and fighting the pain. Oh, my poor Anne...
She gets up and her gaze lands on Salazar Slytherin's dark magic book that we had found during one of our explorations, Sebastian Ominis and I.

' Bombarda ! ' she yells while pointing her wand at the book. The latter burns immediately under our eyes.

' NO ! ' Sebastian cries, reaching for the now charred book.

Anne arches her back in pain, she is exhausted both physically and psychologically, the dark circles under her eyes and her pale face may indicate this. She looks up at her brother one last time.

' You've made your choice. ' she said looking at him painfully.

Then she comes back to her uncle, and soon both of them disappear from our sight. Sebastian gets up immediately, as if all the pain had left him, and rushes towards the exit of the crypt.

' Sebastian ! Hold on ! ' I whisper, unable to raise my voice.

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