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1.Aleatory - depending on chance or luck. The outcome of the game was purely aleatory and no one knew who would win.

2.Allusion - an indirect reference to something or someone, usually a literary or historical reference. The movie contained many allusions to Greek mythology

3.Altruism - a selfless concern for the well-being of others. The volunteers demonstrated great altruism by working long hours to help those in need.

4. Altruist - a person who practices or advocates for altruism. The billionaire philanthropist was known for being an altruist who donated millions of dollars to charity.

5.Altruism - a selfless concern for the well-being of others. The volunteers demonstrated great altruism by working long hours to help those in need.

6.Altruist - a person who practices or advocates for altruism. The billionaire philanthropist was known for being an altruist who donated millions of dollars to charity.

7.Altruistic - characterized by or motivated by altruism. The nurse's altruistic nature was evident in the way she treated her patients with care and compassion.

8.Amalgamate - to combine or mix different elements or things to form a whole. The two companies decided to amalgamate in order to become more competitive in the market.

9.Ambiguity - uncertainty or vagueness of meaning, often due to the use of language that can be interpreted in multiple ways. The ambiguity of the politician's statement left many people unsure of his stance on the issue.

10.Ambivalence - the state of having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone. The patient's ambivalence towards treatment made it difficult for the doctor to determine the best course of action.

11.Ambulatory - able to walk or move around. The patient was ambulatory and able to leave the hospital on his own.

12.Ameliorate - to improve or make something better. The new medication was able to ameliorate the symptoms of the disease and improve the patient's quality of life.

13.Amenable - willing to comply or cooperate. The student was amenable to the teacher's suggestions and worked hard to improve his grades.

14.Amnesty - an official pardon granted to a group of people who have committed a crime or offense. The government announced an amnesty for all political prisoners.

15.Ana - a collection of literary anecdotes or stories. The author's book was a collection of humorous anas that he had collected over the years.

16.Analogous - comparable in certain respects. The relationship between a teacher and a student is analogous to that of a parent and a child.

17.Anarchy - a state of disorder or chaos caused by the absence of a system of government or authority. The country fell into anarchy after the overthrow of the dictator.

18.Anathema - something or someone that is intensely disliked or loathed. For many people, public speaking is an anathema that they would rather avoid.

19.Ancillary - providing necessary support or assistance. The research assistant played an ancillary role in the project by helping with data collection and analysis.

20.Animosity - strong dislike or hatred towards someone or something. The two rival teams had a long history of animosity towards each other.

21.Animus - a feeling of hostility or strong opposition towards someone or something. The politician's animus towards the media was evident in his angry tweets and speeches.

22.Anoint - to apply oil or ointment to a person or object for religious or ceremonial purposes. The priest anointed the sick person with holy oil as part of the last rites.

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