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Meaning: A form of government or social organization where a small group of people holds power and authority, often based on wealth, family, or political influence.

Root words: "Oligo" means "few" or "small," and "arch" means "rule" or "government."

Example: In ancient Sparta, an oligarchy ruled the city-state, with power concentrated in the hands of a few noble families.


Meaning: The state of having complete or infinite knowledge and understanding of all things.

Root words: "Omni" means "all," and "science" refers to knowledge or understanding.

Example: In religious beliefs, some consider God to possess omniscience, knowing everything past, present, and future.


Meaning: Having all knowledge or awareness, knowing everything.

Example: The narrator in the story was omniscient, knowing the thoughts and feelings of all the characters.


Meaning: Eating both plant and animal-based food; having a diverse diet.

Root words: "Omni" means "all," and "vorous" comes from "vorare," meaning "to eat."

Example: Bears are omnivorous animals, consuming berries, fish, insects, and other food sources.


Meaning: Involving a burden, difficulty, or hardship; demanding effort and struggle.

Example: The onerous task of preparing for the exam consumed all of her time and energy.


Meaning: Happening or existing only once; occurring in the past but not recurring.

Example: He was a onetime champion, winning the title many years ago and not repeating his success.


Meaning: The responsibility, duty, or burden associated with a particular task or action.

Example: The onus was on the company to provide evidence of their product's safety.


Meaning: Not transparent or clear; difficult to understand or see through.

Example: The meaning of the poem was somewhat opaque, leaving readers with various interpretations.


Meaning: To express or state an opinion or belief about something.

Example: During the debate, each participant had the opportunity to opine on the topic and present their viewpoints.

These words encompass a range of meanings and can be applied in various contexts, from describing forms of government to the extent of knowledge and eating habits. Understanding their roots and examples can help you use them effectively in writing and conversations.

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