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Sure! Here are the meanings of the words along with brief explanations and examples:

22. Opportunist:
Meaning: A person who takes advantage of opportunities, often without considering ethical principles.
Example: The politician was known as an opportunist, changing his positions based on public opinion to gain popularity.

Meaning: Expressing strong criticism or condemnation, disgraceful or shameful.
Example: The journalist received opprobrious comments for publishing a controversial article.

Meaning: A creative work, especially a musical composition, but can refer to any artistic production.
Example: Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 is considered one of his greatest opuses.

Meaning: To swing or move back and forth between two points, to waver in opinion or decision.
Example: The pendulum in a clock oscillates back and forth with each tick.

Meaning: The gradual, unconscious assimilation or absorption of information or ideas.
Example: By spending time with experienced artists, she learned the techniques through osmosis.

Meaning: To harden or solidify, usually referring to bones or ideas becoming fixed or rigid.
Example: The once open-minded artist seemed to ossify in his creative approach as he grew older.

28. Ostentatious:
Meaning: Showy, pretentious, or designed to attract attention, often to display wealth or success.
Example: The billionaire's ostentatious mansion had marble floors and gold-plated fixtures.

Meaning: To remove or force someone out of a position or place.
Example: The board voted to oust the CEO due to financial misconduct.

Meaning: To surpass or exceed in performance, speed, or achievement.
Example: The new smartphone model quickly outstripped its competitors in sales.

Sovet kookt (Note: This phrase appears to be in a language other than English, and I couldn't find its meaning or root words.)

Meaning: To be rated or regarded too highly or more positively than deserved.
Example: Some critics argue that the movie is overrated, as they found it lacking in substance.

Meaning: An introduction or opening piece of music, also used metaphorically to describe an opening or introductory action.
Example: The orchestra played a beautiful overture before the opera began.

These words have unique meanings and can be used to express various ideas and concepts. Understanding their definitions and usage can enhance your language skills and communication.

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