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Certainly! Here are the meanings of the words along with their examples:

1. Quintessential - Representing the most perfect or typical example of something.

Example: The Eiffel Tower is often considered the quintessential symbol of Paris.

2. Quirkiness - The quality of being peculiar, eccentric, or having unusual traits.

Example: The quirkiness of his fashion choices made him stand out in the crowd.

3. Quisling - A traitor who collaborates with an enemy occupying force.

Example: He was labeled a quisling for assisting the invaders during the wartime occupation.

4. Quixotic - Extremely idealistic, often to the point of being impractical; visionary in an unrealistic way.

Example: His quixotic pursuit of changing the world overnight led to numerous failures.

5. Quotidian - Ordinary, everyday; occurring daily.

Example: The routine of his quotidian tasks gave him a sense of stability.

6. Raffish - Flashy or unconventional in a stylish or appealing way, but slightly disreputable.

Example: His raffish appearance attracted attention wherever he went.

7. Rapprochement - The reestablishment of friendly relations after a period of tension or hostility.

Example: The diplomatic negotiations resulted in a rapprochement between the two countries.

8. Rarefied - Exclusive, restricted to a small, elite group; distant from ordinary experience.

Example: The rarefied atmosphere of the high-society gala was filled with celebrities.

9. Rationalize - To justify or explain actions, decisions, or behavior logically or reasonably.

Example: He tried to rationalize his late arrival by citing unexpected traffic.

10. Raucous - Harsh, loud, and rowdy in a disorderly or wild way.

Example: The raucous party next door kept the neighbors awake all night.

11. Rebuff - To reject or refuse in a blunt or ungracious manner.

Example: She felt hurt by his rebuff when she offered to help.

12. Rebuke - To express strong disapproval or criticism; to reprimand.

Example: The teacher gave a stern rebuke to the students for their unruly behavior.

13. Recalcitrant - Resisting authority or control; stubbornly resistant to guidance or discipline.

Example: The recalcitrant employee refused to follow the company's policies.

14. Recapitulate - To summarize or repeat the main points of something.

Example: The speaker will recapitulate the key findings of the research study.

15. Recidivism - The tendency to relapse into a previous undesirable behavior, especially criminal behavior.

Example: The high rates of recidivism among parolees led to calls for improved rehabilitation programs.

16. Reciprocal - Mutual; involving two parties or actions that mutually affect each other.

Example: They had a reciprocal agreement to help each other with their projects.

17. Recluse - A person who lives a solitary or secluded life; someone who avoids social interaction.

Example: The writer was known to be a recluse, rarely seen in public.

18. Recondite - Difficult to understand or beyond the comprehension of the average person; obscure.

Example: The philosopher's recondite ideas challenged the limits of human understanding.

Feel free to ask if you have more questions or need further assistance!

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