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Certainly, here are the meanings of the words along with examples:

1. Retinue - A group of advisors, assistants, or followers who accompany an important person.

Example: The king's retinue included knights, courtiers, and personal attendants.

2. Retribution - Punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance or payback for a wrongdoing.

Example: The villain's downfall was a form of poetic retribution for his crimes.

3. Reveal - To make known or disclose something previously hidden or secret.

Example: The detective's investigation led him to reveal the truth about the mysterious disappearance.

4. Reversed - Changed to the opposite direction or state.

Example: The reversed decision sparked controversy and debate among the citizens.

5. Reviled - To criticize or speak about someone or something in an abusive or disparaging manner.

Example: The journalist was reviled for his biased reporting and offensive language.

6. Ribald - Vulgar or offensive in speech or behavior, often relating to sexual matters.

Example: The comedian's ribald jokes were met with both laughter and discomfort.

7. Ridiculed - Made fun of or mocked someone or something in a derisive manner.

Example: The actor was ridiculed for his over-the-top performance in the play.

8. Rife - Abundant, prevalent, or widespread.

Example: During the election season, political debates and discussions were rife in the community.

9. Robust - Strong, vigorous, and healthy.

Example: The athlete's robust physique and training regimen allowed him to excel in his sport.

10. Roué - A man who leads a life of pleasure and debauchery, often immoral or dissolute.

Example: The nobleman was known as a roué, often indulging in extravagant parties and affairs.

11. Rout - A disorderly or chaotic retreat of defeated forces; a decisive defeat.

Example: The battle ended in a rout as the enemy forces were overwhelmed and fled.

12. Rubric - A set of guidelines or rules for conducting a specific activity or assessment.

Example: The teacher provided a rubric for grading the students' essays to ensure fairness.

13. Ruminate - To think deeply or reflect upon something.

Example: During his solo hikes, he would ruminate on his life's choices and future plans.

14. Rustic - Simple, rural, or characteristic of the countryside.

Example: The cabin in the woods had a rustic charm with its wooden walls and basic furnishings.

15. Saccharine - Excessively sweet or sentimental in a way that feels insincere.

Example: The movie's saccharine ending left some viewers feeling unsatisfied.

16. Sagacious - Having keen perception and good judgment; wise.

Example: The sage's sagacious advice was sought after by people from all walks of life.

17. Salient - Prominent or significant; standing out from the rest.

Example: The speaker highlighted the most salient points of his argument during the presentation.

18. Sallow - Having a sickly, yellowish complexion.

Example: The patient's sallow skin was a clear sign of her illness.

19. Sally - A sudden, energetic, or witty outburst or action.

Example: Her sally of laughter caught everyone's attention in the quiet room.

Feel free to ask if you have more questions or need further assistance!

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