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606. Levity: Lightness of manner or speech, lacking seriousness or gravity.
Example: Despite the serious situation, he approached it with levity, making jokes to lighten the mood.

607. Liaison: A close relationship or connection between individuals or groups, often involving coordination or communication.
Example: The police officer acted as a liaison between the community and the authorities, fostering better understanding and cooperation.

608. Libation: A ritual pouring of a liquid as an offering, especially in religious or ceremonial contexts.
Example: The priest poured a libation of wine as an offering to the gods during the sacred ceremony.

609. Libidinous: Showing excessive or unrestrained sexual desire.
Example: The scandalous novel was criticized for its explicit and libidinous content.

610. Lissome: Graceful and flexible in movement or form.
Example: The ballerina's lissome figure glided across the stage, captivating the audience with her elegance.

611. Listless: Lacking energy, enthusiasm, or motivation.
Example: The hot weather made everyone feel listless and unwilling to engage in any physical activities.

612. Litigate: To engage in a legal dispute or bring a case to a court of law.
Example: The two parties decided to litigate their disagreement over the contract terms.

613. Lope: To run or move with long, bounding strides.
Example: The cheetah effortlessly loped across the savannah, chasing its prey.

614. Loquacious: Talkative, fond of talking excessively.
Example: The loquacious professor could spend hours lecturing on his favorite subject without pausing for a breath.

615. Lucid: Clear and easily understood, rational and coherent.
Example: After a good night's sleep, she woke up feeling refreshed and lucid, ready to tackle the day's tasks.

616. Luminary: A person who inspires or influences others, often in a particular field or domain.
Example: Albert Einstein is considered a luminary in the field of physics for his groundbreaking theories.

617. Luminous: Emitting or reflecting light, bright or shining.
Example: The moon cast a luminous glow over the landscape, illuminating the night sky.

618. Lupine: Relating to or resembling a wolf, predatory or aggressive in nature.
Example: The pack of lupine creatures moved silently through the dense forest, hunting for their prey.

619. Lurid: Sensational, shocking, or excessively vivid in a way that evokes strong negative emotions.
Example: The tabloid newspaper published lurid stories of scandal and intrigue, capturing public attention.

620. Macerate: To soften or break down something, especially by soaking it in a liquid.
Example: The chef allowed the fruits to macerate in sugar syrup overnight, enhancing their flavor and texture.

621. Machination: A scheme or plot, especially one that involves secretive or deceitful actions.
Example: The villain's machinations to overthrow the government were eventually exposed and foiled.

622. Magnanimity: Generosity and kindness towards others, especially in forgiving or overlooking offenses.
Example: Despite being wronged, he showed magnanimity by offering his forgiveness and helping his former rival.

623. Magnanimous: Generous in forgiving and treating others with kindness and understanding.
Example: Even though he won the competition, he was magnanimous in victory, acknowledging the efforts of his opponents.

624. Makeshift: Temporary or improvised solution, often used when the proper or desired resources are not available.
Example: They used a sheet of cardboard as a makeshift roof to shelter themselves from the rain.

625. Maradroit : not Skillful,  inept

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