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Sure, here are the meanings of the words you provided along with their root words and examples:

1096. Vituperative - Bitter and abusive in language; harshly critical.

   Root: "Vituperare" (to blame, censure)

   Example: His vituperative remarks during the debate undermined the constructive discussion.

1097. Vivacious - Lively and full of energy; vibrant.

   Root: "Vivus" (alive)

   Example: Her vivacious personality made her the life of every party.

1098. Volatile - Easily evaporating at normal temperatures; liable to change rapidly and unpredictably.

   Root: "Volatilis" (fleeting)

   Example: The volatile political situation in the region created uncertainty for the citizens.

1099. Volition - The power of making conscious decisions; willpower.

   Root: "Velle" (to wish, want)

   Example: She acted of her own volition, choosing to pursue her dreams against all odds.

1100. Voluminous - Occupying a large space; of great volume or size.

   Root: "Volumen" (roll, scroll)

   Example: The scholar's voluminous research papers covered a wide range of topics.

1101. Votary - A person who is devoted to a particular religion or belief.

   Root: "Votum" (vow)

   Example: The temple was frequented by votaries who sought spiritual guidance.

1102. Wanton - Deliberate and unprovoked; reckless and careless.

   Root: "Wantowen" (to be playful, frolic)

   Example: His wanton destruction of property angered the community.

1103. Warranted - Justified or authorized; supported by evidence.

   Root: "Warrant" (to guarantee)

   Example: Her concern for safety was warranted due to the recent increase in crime.

1104. Wary - Cautious and watchful, especially in the face of danger or deception.

   Root: "Ware" (aware)

   Example: He was wary of signing the contract without thoroughly reading its terms.

1105. Wastrel - A person who wastes their time and resources; a good-for-nothing.

   Root: "Waste" (to use up)

   Example: His reputation as a wastrel made it difficult for him to find a job.

1106. Waver - To shake with a quivering motion; to be uncertain or indecisive.

   Root: "Wafian" (to waver)

   Example: She wavered between two career paths before making her decision.

1107. Welter - A state of chaos, confusion, or turmoil.

   Root: "Weltrian" (to roll)

   Example: The aftermath of the storm left a welter of fallen trees and debris.

1108. Winnow - To separate or sift out the desirable from the undesirable; to choose selectively.

   Root: "Winnan" (to winnow, fan)

   Example: The process of interviews helped winnow down the list of potential candidates.

1109. Winsome - Charming and attractive in a sweet or innocent way.

   Root: "Wynn" (joyful)

   Example: Her winsome smile won over everyone at the party.

These explanations should help you understand the meanings of these words better. If you have more words or questions, feel free to ask!

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