3 - It's Brittany Bitch

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So here's what you missed on glee...Marley wanted to quit the glee club because the glee club current members were talking about her mom. Taylor was caught singing and now Mr Shue wants her in the glee club. Sam may or may not have developed a crush on Taylor just from looking at her and is determined to bring her into the glee club. Taylor, Marley and Unique all got slushied by Kitty and her gang of jocks and Blaine introduced himself to Taylor and they have the same last name. And Taylor knows that her half-brother goes to McKinley High School and that's what you missed on glee.


"Oh come on. You know you want to. You get to be around me a hell of a lot more" Sam laughed at Taylor as the two walked into Biology. He had been buging her about joining the glee club for almost two weeks now, and had resorted to using himself as a selling point. He just wasn't getting the point that Taylor just didn't want to join the glee club.

"As appealing as that seems...it's still going to be a no" Taylor laughed. Sam's face quickly shifted from hopeful to a confused frown. He took his seat next to her so he could keep annoying her, an uninvited welcome to the seat next to her. "Yes you can take a seat next to me" Taylor hissed sarcastically at Sam. Sam rolled his eyes back at her.

"Hey this has been my bench for years. You're the one who took the seat next to me" Sam laughed back at her. He motioned to his name etched into the back of the bench. Taylor's eyes narrowed and she sighed in frustration. How had she not noticed that she had sat at his desk? This was punishment for Taylor not believing in a higher power. Now she was being punished for believing that religion was wrong.

Taylor picked up her bag, getting ready to move, only to find when she had scanned the lab with her eyes that every desk was filled and everyone was already partnered up. She growled to herself before taking her seat again. "You're lucky that I'm failing Biology" Taylor snapped back at Sam. He was grinning wolfishly back at her.

"Well not really because I'm failing Biology too" Sam laughed back at her. Taylor shook her head and muttered some choice words to herself. "Seriously though. Why don't you want to join? Your best friend is in the club" Sam pointed out with a wild smile.

"I don't want to join because-" she began in her angry voice. She managed to stop herself before she revealed the most painful secret in her life to some guy she didn't know. She didn't feel confident telling anyone, even someone who seemed as facinated in her as Sam did. "-personal reasons that's all" Taylor hissed.

"What personal reasons could you possible have? You don't know anyone in the glee club" Sam stated back to her. She didn't play that card right did she?

Taylor hit Sam around the back of the head. "Do you not know what personal business means?" Taylor snapped at him. Sam tried to shield himself, but couldn't really because of the laughing that he was doing.

Neither of them could say anything further since the teacher started the lesson. They had to do some experiment. Pond weed in a tube of water, to see how photosynthesis happens. Measuring air bubbles given off in different living conditions. "Do you have any idea on how to do this experiment? I can't even understand most of these words, they're too high techy-techy" Sam explained out.

"You really want to talk about science?" Taylor laughed quietly. She just didn't want to admit that she didn't know the first thing about Biology, she didn't like admitting that she didn't know things. She didn't like people knowing that she wasn't smart. It made her feel small next to anyone else.

"You won't let me talk to you about anything else" Sam offered with a cheeky smirk. Taylor opened her mouth to come up with a retort, but she knew that he was right.

Bad Blood (1) & Hearts Like Ours (2) & Vulnerable (3) [Glee Fanfiction/Sam Evans Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now