23 - #DIVA

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So here's what you missed on glee...so last week the glee club did a week dedicated to the new Demi Lovato album DEMI and it was safe to say that not everyone had as much fun with the weeks assignment as they thought. Kitty had a dream where she sang a love song about Ryder and she asked Marley what to do and that lead to them both singing another song. After Brittany's comment on Twitter and Marley and Jake's recent love confession to each other Sam wanted to know why he and Taylor hadn't said it to each other yet. Taylor told Sam that she would say it when she was ready, even though she wasn't sure that she would ever be ready to say it. When Taylor performed her song of the week she opened her mind to some dark memories that she had and she freaked out and left school and that's what you missed on glee.


"Diva" Finn stated airily to the group. She was a little intimidate about speaking to the large crowd that was the glee club. Say a lot that she was a guidance councillor. The girls all smiled and punched amongst themselves and Blaine. The rest of the guys weren't so sure about doing a diva week because the when they heard the word diva they thought that only women could be divas.

"So now that we're back in the game, we've got to come back strong. So that means no more missing rehearsals" Finn stated. He had obviously noticed that Taylor was missing from the group. Mainly because she sat centre at the back right in Finn's usual line of sight. "Where is Taylor? Has anyone spoken to her since she left last week?" Finn asked the group.

Everyone turned to look to Sam for answers. But he was just as clueless as the rest of them were. It was obvious to anyone that Sam's song last week had done something to Taylor. They just weren't clear on what it was yet. "Well anyways, getting back to topic, diva week is all about finding your inner powerhouse. Ms Pillsbury?" Finn called to the Guidance Councillor to take the floor.

"That's right. The online urban dictionary defines diva as a fierce often temperamental singer who comes correct. She is not a trick ass hoe and she does not sweat the haters" Ms Pillsbury read off the little note cards that she had made to make sure she covered all of her bases.

"Sounds like Kitty" Ryder commented. The whole room filled with low laughter. Kitty smiled and leant over and punched Ryder's arm. Though it hurt her fist more that his arm because of the size of his biceps.

"Great. So the guys are screwed this week" Jake commented.

"Guys can be divas" Blaine argued. He thought he would push that one in there where he could. There were loads of celebrity guy divas; Freddy Mercury, Justin Bieber, Scott Disick, Kanye West. All of them were divas.

Ms Pillsbury continued speaking about how she had been a diva in a resturant while the kids decided to talk amongst themselves. "You all might as well just quit while you're ahead. Because there are only two ways to spell Unique, and one of them is D-I-V-A diva" Unqiue stated. Tina did not look amused by that statement at all. "Mmmk, Shante, I stayed. And it will be brought, dished out, and served then mopped up by the you even pick out a wig. Looking at you clocking that suck" Unique stated sassily at Tina. Making everyone's jaw drop and laugh at Unique's bitchiness.

"I have more diva in my little finger than you have in your whole angry inch, Wade Unique" Tina commented back venimously, making the guys and Kitty laugh at her comment.

"Tina, you've kind of been talking some riddiculous trash for months, unchallenged. And that stops now" Marley bitched at Tina, which was completely out of character for her and brought a new level of sass to this game.

"Listen, guys can be divas" Blaine stated to the group, but no one was listening to him.

"You guys, I'm going to win diva week. And do you know how I know that. It's because..." Brittany began. All of them knew where this one was going to go.

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