29 - They All Fall Down

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So here's what you missed on glee...since Mr Shue was away sick and Finn is going to college now, Sam and Blaine decided to take over for the week with a guilty pleasure assignment for the group. Blaine decided to sing his love for Wham. Sam decided to sing his love for Barry Manilow. The girls sang about their love for The Spice Girls. Taylor showed Sam her own songs that she wrote which was like a big step for her in trusting Sam. So she sang one of her songs to the group. Something is going on between Kitty and Ryder and it's becoming obvious to the group, but not to Kitty since she won't admit it, but Ryder kind of does and that's what you missed on glee.


"I hold in my hand, ladies and gentlemen, our competition list for Regionals" Mr Shue announced. Everyone sort of found their way to their seats by crawling, since Mr Shue asked Sam to get all the glee club in shape for Regionals, so they have to do a five mile run everyday before glee practice now. And Sam and Ryder were the only ones who do that regularly so everyone else was dying. Everyone mustered up the best cheer that they possibly could. "From North Central High School in Indianapolis, The Hoosier Daddies" Mr Shue read off the first name.

"That's very clever" Tina commented.

"From Our Lady of Perpetual Loneliness in Battle Creek, Michigan, the Nuntouchables" Mr Shue explained. Taylor booed at the religious one, why have school seperately set for religion. That's like when they segregate schools by race. There was just no need.

"Wait is that a convent?" Blaine asked.

"Now guys, I like our chances against the Nuntouchables. But we've still got a lot of work to do" Mr Shue announced. If the Nuntouchables were anything like the group that they faced at Sectionals, they really didn't need to worry about the first group. "I have been to North Central in Indianapolis since the competition is being held there, and we do have our work cut out for us with them" Mr Shue announced. He turned around his laptop and showed a video of a girl singing, very very well. "Her name is Frida Romero and she is a vocal juggernaut. So we're going to have to be in tip top fighting shape to take them on" Mr Shue explained.

"Mr Shue stop talking. I have an announcement" Brittany announced. Mr Shue stopped what he was saying in mid sentence. Everyone's attention slowly drifted over to Brittany. "I regret to inform you that a deadly asteroid is heading our way. I'm naming it Tubbingtonbop and it's heading straight for Lima. And when it hits I will not be spending my time in this room preparing for Regionals. I will be making amends with someone that I love. Lord Tubbington" Brittany announced. Everyone frowned at Brittany, so she was choosing a cat over them. Hmm. "So back to your homes and hide your wives. Hide your kids. And Hide your wives. McKinley High I salute you" Brittany explained to the group before she turned and skipped away, like nothing had just happened.

No one said anything for a few seconds, while they attempted to absorb that dose of crazy from Brittany. "What the hell just happened?" Taylor asked the whole group. None of them seemed to have any answers. It did give Mr Shue an idea of what the week's assignments were going to be however.

"Okay guys, show of hands, who is worried about Brittany's asteroid prediction?" Mr Shue asked everyone, he took Brittany's seat amongst the group since she obviously wasn't coming back. Sam and Unique put their hands up in the air. "Okay, well here's how I see it. There are two possible outcomes. First, the meteor misses us and we go to Regionals and we kick butt, which will only happen if we prepare. Or we only have a few days to live, and if that's the case we need to say everything we need to say to the people that we love. I can tell you, from those couple of weeks that I couldn't talk to Emma, that there is nothing worse than unfinished business with the one that you love. And asteroid or no asteroid, any moment you have with those people might be your last one" Mr Shue announced, that was a kind of depressing sentiment. Mr Shue got to his feet and walked over to the white board. "Bruce Springsteen always says that he plays every show as if it's his last. And that is the kind of urgency we need at Regionals this year. So this week, we're either going to sing our last songs to each other or get in touch with what it feels like to do that" Mr Shue explained, just as the bell had rung. He turned to reveal Last Chance scribbled on the board.

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