6 - A Katy Or A Gaga

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So here's what you missed on glee...the glee club did a two week Beatles assignment and they performed Beatles songs at the prom. Lena and Ryder went to prom together to make Kitty jealous, but Lena thinks she's starting to like Ryder, and Ryder has re-joined the glee club. Marley and Jake have been dating for forever now, and Jake was a man-whore who used to sleep with everything who moved. The new boy Cameron is like in love with Marley, but she doesn't know that yet. Taylor's mom is in town and Sam and Taylor vowed that they would find out why she was in town and that's what you missed on glee.


"Are you sure that this is the right adress?" Sam asked Taylor. They were stood outside this mansion. A mansion that Taylor's mom was supposedly staying at. They had been left a letter at the Anderson house, telling Taylor the address to come to. And it had taken most of Sunday night for Sam to convince Taylor to actually show up, and Taylor was still acting like a little child in a stroppy attitude while she walked up to the house. "We're never going to find out what's going on with your mother if we avoid her when we know where she lives" Sam sighed at Taylor.

"Ten minutes and then I'm leaving for school with or without you" Taylor grumbled as a compromise to Sam. Sam chuckled at Taylor, and put his arm around her waist so she wouldn't run away. They walked up to the mansion, both were a little sceptical about what was going to happen.

They reached the door just as it flew open. Ryder walked out, and he looked absolutely stunned to see Taylor and Sam on his doorstep. He pulled his earphones out. "What are you two doing here?" Ryder asked, still stunned that they were just waiting on his doorstep.

"What are you doing here?" Taylor asked back, maybe a little rudely. She was still a little pissed at  Ryder for the whole adopting Lena thing, it was a sore subject, and it probably would be for a couple of days. Even if Lena had been living in the Anderson for almost two weeks now, and was still pissed off about the whole arrangement.

"I live here" Ryder explained. Sam nudged Taylor in the side and notched his head towards the mailbox with LYNN printed on it.

"Oh this can't be a coincidence" Taylor explained to Sam. Ryder watched the two as they looked nervous. Sam opened his mouth to say something, but he was cut off by the mother of Taylor coming out of the house. "Then it all becomes clear" Taylor laughed coldly.

"Now now Taylor, there's no need to be sour" Taylor's mom laughed back at her, equally as cold and as calculated. It must have been a family trait. Not that Taylor thought of this woman as family in any way.

"Wait how do you know my new step-mom?" Ryder asked, he didn't think he had introduced her to any of his friends yet. And that's wasn't a bad thing because Ryder hated this woman with a firey passion. "And what are you doing here?" Ryder asked, what the hell was going on?

Taylor started laughing at herself, of course this wasn't a coincidence. "Well Ryder your new step-mom just happens to be my evil bitch of a mother" Taylor laughed cruedly at Ryder. Ryder's jaw dropped, he in no way was expecting that to be coming. Taylor turned and marched off without another word.


"Alright guys let's bring it in. Just this morning I recieved our competition list for Nationals in LA" Finn cheered to the glee club, Mr Shue was in a staff meeting this morning so he asked Finn to miss his morning class to take over the glee club meeting. Everyone quickly found their seats. Everyone was sat somewhere different to avoid someone.

Taylor was sat on the piano to avoid Ryder. Lena was sat on the right end to stay away from Ryder and Kitty. Cameron was sat on the opposite side of Marley so he didn't have to see Jake. And Ryder was sat as far away from Unique as humanly possible. Everyone was avoiding someone. "Well it certainly won't be The Hoosier Daddies because we kicked their ass" Kitty laughed before clicking her fingers in a Z pattern.

Bad Blood (1) & Hearts Like Ours (2) & Vulnerable (3) [Glee Fanfiction/Sam Evans Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now