25 - Anything Could Happen

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So here's what you missed on glee...the glee club all got enlisted to help out with the wedding preparations for Mr Shue's and Ms Pillsbury's wedding. Sam and Taylor eventually talked about the stuff in her life that she wasn't telling him, she did what Thea told her to and gave him the vague recollection of the truth. Ryder and Kitty agreed to go to Mr Shuester and Ms Pillsbury's wedding together...just as friends though. Taylor and Jake argued over this mysterious Owen person and Marley kind of overheard some of it but that made her more confused than anything else. All of the New Direction alumni also started coming into town for the wedding and that's what you missed on glee.


Well it had official become the week of love. It was Valentine's week, and Mr Shue and Ms Pillsbury's wedding was actually on Valentine's day on the Thursday. So all the glee kids found their seats quickly on the Tuesday morning and started planning out who they were going to be singing their songs with at the wedding. And others like Jake just completely panicked because they didn't know how to do Valentine's day and he had no idea what to get for Marley.

"Glee club" Mr Shue cheered when he charged into the choir room for the first time since the New Directions lost at Sectionals and Marley was passed out at the back. Everyone cheered and clapped when their fearless leader returned, he took his time to go around and hug everyone once before taking his place at the front of the choir room.

"Mr Shue, how was DC?" Artie asked excitedly.

"DC was great, but now I am back to stay. And so for my first order of business, I want to give a big shout out to the guy who made sure I had something to come back to. Mr Finn Hudson" Mr Shue cheered at Finn. Finn was taken completely off-guard by the spotlight that had been put on him, but he smiled and gladly took all the cheering and applause for him. After all the applause had died down, Mr Shue opened the secret compartment draw on the piano and took out a board marker. Everyone Oohed since they could not find the markers when they were doing duets week. "Now, for this weeks assignment" Mr Shue stated to the glee club. He manouvered around the piano to the drum role the kids were doing. They already knew what the assignment was going to be though. He turned to reveal Wedding!!! scribbled on the board. "Ms Pillsbury and I are finally getting married, which makes me the happiest, luckiest man alive. Ms Pillsbury has been handling all the prep, so to help out, I thought I'd take charge of the entertainment for the reception. Though it goes against tradition, it would mean the world to me and Emma if instead of giving your best man speech Finn, you would sing for us. For everyone else, we need some great romantic love songs that all the guests can dance to" Mr Shue smiled to the group.

"Finn's had us practicing for weeks. We're all set to go" Taylor explained. It would kind of suck if they had done all that rehearsing, just to find out that they weren't going to be singing.

"Well in that case, all of you just rehearse like crazy and make sure you put on the best show possible" Mr Shue grinned to the whole group. He had timed that perfectly because the bell rang just as the last words left his mouth. Spooky scary.


After glee club Marley decided that she wanted to give her Valentine's day present to Jake early. She was just so excited about it that she couldn't keep a secret and keep it hidden anymore. "So, I know it's not Valentine's day yet, but I wanted you to open this now" Marley explained to Jake. Her voice was barely containing the excitement that she was feeling. Marley reached into the back of her bagpack and pulled out a red heart shaped box. Jake froze since he still hadn't been able to find the right gift for Marley. He looked around the hallway and opened it, after making sure that no one was watching them.

Inside were two type writer keys. One being a J and the other being a P. "They're cuff links. I made them myself from this old type writer my mom and I found at a garage sale" Marley explained. She watched, proud of herself for being able to make them, it had only taken her three hours on the internet to get things right. "I just wanted you to have them early so you could wear them to Mr Shue's wedding" Marley explained. Which would be perfect because then he would actually be wearing them on Valentine's day.

Bad Blood (1) & Hearts Like Ours (2) & Vulnerable (3) [Glee Fanfiction/Sam Evans Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now