7 - Birthday

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So here's what you missed on glee...It is Halloween week, which is Taylor's birthday, but before they could really celebrate, the New Directions got to perform at the annual Halloween festival on the main stage. Sam and Marley both started asking questions about Taylor and Jake's past, it was a big enough secret for Taylor to threaten Jake and warn him not to tell anyone. Sam told Taylor that he was never going to let her down, so Taylor sung 'I Will Never Let You Down' by Rita Ora instead of a Halloween song to Sam and that's what you missed on glee.


The whole school was a buzz with the performances at the Halloween festival. They still hated the glee club. But they liked the music that they had performed. It was better than nothing in a way. There was nothing like bad press after all. Or so the New Directions all though. When in reality it was about to come back and bite them in the ass. "What do you mean we've been banned from competition?" Tina shrieked at Mr Shue on the following Thursday morning, Taylor's birthday in fact.

Mr Shue was nodding along whilst reading the letter in his hands once again, the letter that had been sent as urgent from the National Show Choir Board. "It says that since we performed in front of that many people, we're classed as a locally professional team, and that excludes us from competition" Mr Shue read from the letter.

"That's bogus. I thought that that rule was only if money or gifts exchanged hands, like in the 2009 Sectionals" Sam pointed out, to the Seniors this was devistating. This was their last years to perform and now it was taken away from them. "I don't think any of us got paid or anything, right?" Sam asked, he looked around the whole group, waiting for a response from everyone.

Everyone shook their heads. Except for Jake. "Okay, well that's good then" Sam explained to the group.

"He didn't nod" Sugar announced. Pointing her bony finger right at Jake. Jake looked up very alarmed and confused. "Everyone nodded because they didn't get paid, but you didn't" Sugar explained. Everyone's head slowly turned to Jake.

"You didn't, did you?" Marley inquired. She was very dissapointed in Jake if he did, that was her thing now, she wouldn't get angry, she would get dissapointed. She learned that from her mother.

"NO. I didn't" Jake snapped jumping to his feet so he could defend himself. Everyone looked at him suspiciously. Some believed him and some didn't, but that was the Seniors who didn't know him and trust him yet. "But...they did pay for our costumes. My mind just went there" Jake pointed out.

"Yeah but how would the...whatever those guys were called, know about it? Aren't they like based in New York or something?" Taylor asked out loud. None of the New Directions would have told. None of the stage crew or the crowd would've known that they would be in some sort of violation.

Mr Shue's mouth opened to speak. "Oh don't worry about it butt-chin. I'll explain this to your group of tone death misfits" Coach Sylvester cut in. The kids thought they could feel a cold chill in the air. It was because death was about to pay a visit, in the form of a high school cheerleading coach. "I just made a call to my good friend on the National Show Choir Board and felt it was my obligation to report that you got paid for your performance" Coach Sylvester sighed with fake concern in her voice.

"Sue, we returned the costumes. They were only rentals" Mr Shue shouted at Coach Sylvester. Coach Sylvester smirked victoriously at Mr Shue, her life long dream had come true and she had ended the glee club. Without competing, Principal Figgins certainly wouldn't fund the glee club.

"Good luck proving that William. My plan is bulletproof" Coach Sylvester boasted cockily. Puffing her chest out proudly and she adjusted her head so that she was looking down her nose at Mr Shue.

Bad Blood (1) & Hearts Like Ours (2) & Vulnerable (3) [Glee Fanfiction/Sam Evans Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now