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"Hey, Miranda!"

Miranda looked over and gasped. Holding a bloody towel wrapped around her finger was one of her good friends she went to high school with, church, and she was her college roommate.

"Paige, what are you doing out here?" Miranda asked, giving her a side hug, avoiding her finger.

"Oh, I moved out here with Tucker... we are engaged."

"Engaged? " Miranda asked, shocked. Her college roommate was with her ex-boyfriend....huh? "Here, let me take a look at your finger... you know we talk often, and not once did you mention you all were even seeing each other. " She ushered moving her to sit on one of the beds. This was a slap in the face. Did she not know anything about girl code.

"I hope there is no bad blood between us?"

"Why would there be bad blood?" Miranda questioned quickly. "Oh, maybe perhaps because you are dating the man I was with... yeah that would strike a little animosity, huh?" She thought.

"Because I'm engaged to your ex. Who was your first everything and I was your friend well am your friend. I'm hoping. Also, I start working here on Monday."

"Congratulations to both, but I'm fine. It's fine."

"Okay, great, I just didn't want it to be any animosity. Tucker told me that it was a hard breakup and that you didn't take it easy. He said that it would take a while before you get over him."

"Oh. He did now... Yes, I'm fine...I'm actually dating someone." Miranda lied.

"Oh, really, who?" Tucker asked, walking up to them.

" Tucker Jones." She greeted, rolling her eyes. "Well, He is uh..he is...a doctor." Miranda lied again, looking around the room. Avoiding their eyes.

"Good for you, what kind of doctor?" Paige asked.

"He's... Miranda looked and saw the anesthesiologist, who she fussed out two days ago.

"Why don't you ask him yourself? He's right there...Dr. Warren, can you come here for a second." Miranda called out, hoping this didn't blow up in her face. She just wanted this awkward conversation to be over with, and she definitely didn't want Tucker to think she was hooked up on him still. They broke up over 5 years ago. Yeah, she hasn't dated anyone, but still, she didn't look back after they broke up.

"Good morning, Doctor Bailey." Ben greeted, trying not to show his distaste for her in front of patients.

"You scooped up my ex." Tucker voiced amused.

"I did what now?" Ben asked, confused.

"Hon, he's referring to us." Miranda tried looking him in the eyes, hoping he would help her out.

Hon? Ben questioned, looking at her confused still.

"Referring to us doing what?"

"Mandy here told us that you all were dating?" Paige told him.

"Oh, she did." He stated, looking at the short woman who looked like a baby dear pleading for help.

"Sorry for being taken back. Normally, Miranda likes to keep our relationship private. You know how she hates for people to be in her business. But, yeah, these past few months have been the best of my life." Ben stated, pulling her into his side.

"Mine too." Miranda smiled up at him, and Ben swore his heart quickened. This was the first time he had seen her smile and to him. He couldn't help but give her a smile back.

Tucker looked at Ben and Miranda unconvinced. Miranda continued looking at Paige's finger.

"It doesn't need stitches. Ima clean it up and then wrap it up for you."

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