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Miranda came down from her apartment, and Ben got out of the car to grab her bag. "Hey," Miranda greeted.

"Hey, Miranda." Ben said, putting her bag in the drunk.

The drive to the airport was fairly silent. Miranda wished she would have snapped at him, and she wanted to take it back. She had already apologized, and she didn't know what else to do. She hated the distance she created.

Miranda drove her and Ben to her parents' house after they got their rental.

"Jesus, everyone is here already," Miranda blew out at breath.

"Okay, in the back yard is whole family. Some of them are nosey, and my dad might be a little tough on you because he really did like Tucker for me. I still don't know why he cared for that ass hole because he has been and ass hole 90 percent of the time."

"You two seemed like the perfect match," Ben voiced without even thinking.

Miranda looked over at him with hurt eyes and chose to ignore him.

"Um, okay," she voiced, opening her car door.

Ben sighed he wanted to apologize for hurting her feelings, but she hurt his first. He reached out and grabbed her hand after he grabbed their two bags.

Miranda opened the house door and walked through.

"Mandy!" Elena sung excitedly.

"Hi, Mommy. Hey, Daddy," Miranda greeted happily.

"Mom and dad, I would like you to meet Dr. Benjamin Warren. Ben, these are my parents, William and Elena Bailey."

"Hi, it is so nice to meet you." Ben smiled, shaking her dad's hand and giving her mom a light hug.

"Ohhh, he's handsome, Miranda," Elena winked.

"Ma," Miranda blushed.

"Come on, let's set you alls bags down in your room, and then we can go out back. Your dad was just getting started with putting things on the grill, and you can help me finish the sides." Elena clapped happily.

Ben walked to the back, and he looked around. He noticed that the room was clearly made to be a guestroom, but he knew that it was Miranda's old bed room. All the medals and certificates hanging confirmed it.

"I like what you did with the room," Miranda complimented.

"Thanks. we wanted to make it more modern. Plus, it was time for a bigger bed."

"You can come out back with me, Ben," William said, and Ben nodded, following him.

"Tucker was telling me you all had a great couples trip in the Bahamas."

"We did,"

"How long have you liked my daughter because he's convinced it's just a show," William stated, crossing his arms.

"I don't like, I love her and I have I think since the moment I met her." Ben said longingly.

"Have you told her that?"

"I was going to, but she told me she didn't want that, so,"

"Women," William scuffed. "They say things they don't mean,"

"I can help you man the grill," Ben suggested.

"Yeah, come on over,"

"Ben, this is my brother David. David, this is Dr. Benjamin Warren and Miranda's boyfriend." William introduced.

"How yah doing and welcome to the family," David said. "You want a beer?"

"Nice to meet you and sure," Ben responded.

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