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"Are you excited for you trip,"

"I'm okay about it. I love to work and would prefer to be doing it, but I'm going to try to enjoy myself the best I can."

"That's the spirit," Callie encouraged. "And you and Ben?"

"We are okay, we don't really talk, though. I see him in passing. The last time we really talked other than hello was last month at Joe's. We opened up a little to each other. We had gotten into a little disagreement back in California, so it's been off then. Plus, I was treating him mean so...

" Try not to do that this trip, Bailey. Be open-minded and have fun. Don't treat him like garbage."

"I'm not, I'm going to do better and try to be nice."

Ben picked Miranda up from her apartment. He placed her bags in the trunk.

He drove them to the airport and walked with her until their gate. Miranda saw Paige, Tucker, Kim, Eric, Jordan, and James sitting together.

"Hello, everyone, " Miranda chimed.

"Oh my God, Mandy, I haven't seen you in so long." Kim squealed in delight.

"I knowww, it's been forever, it seems like," Miranda replied as she hugged her.

Next, she hugged Jordan and then the men. "I would like you all to meet my boyfriend. Dr. Benjamin Warren." Miranda introduced.

"Hey, nice to meet you all." He spoke, shaking their hands.

The first class flight was nice. Miranda enjoyed the snacks. She slept for the most part of the plane ride.

"This is beautiful," Miranda awed when she got off of the plane out of the airport.

Ben was holding her hand as they rolled their suitcase. The group hired a van to take them to their villa.

"Dam, this is nice," Ben complimented as he stepped off of the van, helped Miranda down, and moved to get their bags.

"Welcome to the Bahamas, " the house servers announced as they held drinks out.

Miranda grabbed one and took a sip. "Mmm, this is a good sex on the beach."

Everyone toured around the house. Taking everything in. It was a movie theater and gameroom down in the basement.

"I love this. This makes me want to buy a vacation beach house."

" You definitely can do it. But for a single man. It would be pretty lonely." Miranda whispered. Looking around to make sure no one was there."

"Well, yeah, I would want to be settled down first and kids."

"Your room is on the second floor. Should be the second door after you come up the stairs,"

Miranda walked up the stairs, and Ben enjoyed the view. Watching her hips move up and down and her round ass. He could get caught up staring all day.

She opened the door and smiled at the room. It was even more beautiful in person.

"I just want to take a shower and then nap until everyone gets here." Miranda told Ben as she sat her suit case in the corner.

"Me too, I'm going to un pack while you do that."

Miranda opened her suitcase, and she grabbed her panties, a bra, night shorts, and a tank top. She took out her toiletries bag and walked into the bathroom.

The shower was really relaxing, and it let her wind down, and she knew she would be knocked out for her nap. She lotioned down after and put her clothes on before making her way back inside of the main room.

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