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Miranda laid in bed, reading for a while before she just decided to go down to the bar and get a drink and eat there.

She threw on a dress and sandals before grabbing her purse, phone, and walking out.

"Hi, can I get a glass of Burbon neat and a food menu," Miranda smiled at the bartender.

"Coming right up,"

After Miranda got her glass, she ordered Cajun pasta. She looked over to the two ball rooms between the bar. The music was blasting, and the door did some to muffle it, but she knew it was wild in both rooms.

Curiosity got the best of her, and she grabbed her glass, getting up. She walked over to the bachelor party door and opened it slightly.

She peaked inside, and she knew that no one would notice she was even inside. The men were all engrossed in the half-naked women dancing around. Looking around the room, Miranda spotted Ben standing with his back to her. The woman in front of him had on black and red lingerie and a red party boa, which she wrapped around his neck and pulled him closer. She turned her body and pushed her ass into him.

Miranda turned her face up in disgust before closing the door. She threw her glass of burbon back and walked to order another.

After getting her another drink, Miranda looked to her left when the door opened up and loud music blared through.

"Oh Miranda, why are you out here by yourself. Come join us."

"Oh no, I'm fine. I was waiting for my food."

"Excuse bartender, can you have Miranda's food taken to this room and charge room 413 for everything." Cassidy said, pulling Miranda's arm.

"Hey everyone, this is Ben's girlfriend, and she is going to join us on the festivities."

"I'm Amber, what you drinking."

"Burbon neat." Miranda enlightened.

"Okay, great, you are just in time for the sexy murder mystery,"

Miranda nodded. She spent the whole hour with this group of women, drinking and trying to solve the murder. She could honestly say that she was having fun and they were horrible at this game because they were drunk. She was good with holding her liquor, so she had a little buzz but enough to function and put together conclusions.

"Okay, now it's cake time," Cassidy announced, clapping her hands.

Cassidy pulled out her phone, and she called someone. The music shifted to a different song. The harmonizing sounds let her know that it was Beyoncé song drunk in love.

She looked up when these two men came inside, rolling this huge cake in. The men were very attractive and strong. She could see their muscles bulging from their delivery uniform.

They made their way to the front with the cake and backed away from it.

"It's my understanding that someone's getting married tomorrow."

"Me!" Paris shouted.

"Okay, can you sign right here for the delivery,"

Paris grabbed the pen, and she scribbled across the paper on the clip board. Cassidy was giggling her ass off.

"Okay, here is your delivery."

Suddenly, the cake burst open from the top, and a man popped out. He was sexy non the least, but it was certainly un expected.

The two that rolled the cake in snatched their uniforms off, revealing skimpy underwear that showed the curve of their penis. Miranda could help but chuckle. She couldn't believe that she was experiencing this.

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