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Miranda rolled over and looked at Ben, who was already staring at her.

"Good morning," she whispered.

"Good morning," Ben replied.

"How long have you been up?"

"Not that long, probably 5 minutes... you know you snore very cute."

"I do not snore," Miranda responded.

"You do, and It was to be expected after last night."

"Well, last night was a very good night." She voiced biting her lip.

" Can I make your morning a very good morning?" He asked, kissing her lips.

"You sure can,"
Miranda was a little sore from last night, but she wasn't going to pass this up. Ben kissed the side of her neck before sucking on her collarbone.

A knock on the door brought Miranda out of her thoughts of Ben. "Yes," she called out, biting her lip as he squeezed her breast.

"Are you all coming out to the historic tour," Paige asked.

"No, you guys go ahead. We are good." Miranda giggled.

Ben snatched the blanket off of Miranda, causing her to laugh loudly as he climbed over top of her.

He kissed her lips before traveling down to her neck. Miranda cupped the back of his head as he kissed and licked on her neck. He found her pleasure point again and sucked on it teasingly.

Miranda wrapped her legs around his waist and pushed herself into him. "How did you get to be so impatient already?"

"You shouldn't have fucked me the way that you did yesterday,"

"I shouldn't have?" He questioned with a small laughed.

"No, of course you should have but you're asking me why would I be impatient and in a rush to have sex with you. It's because I know know what it's like to be with you now." She explained.

"So you don't want me to eat your -
Ben couldn't even finish the word because Miranda started pushing his head down to her already wet center. " Don't be silly of course I do,"  she moaned when he kissed her clit.

Around 2 in the afternoon Ben and Miranda was dressed after their shower. They walked into the kitchen to grab something to eat before walking down the beach to meet up with the group for the boat tour.

"Hey you two love birds," Naomi said looking at them knowingly.

"Good afternoon," Miranda said clearing her throat and blushing from all the looks they recieved.

"Apparently, a long night and morning huh," Paige teased.

"We just ask that you keep it down tonight or whenever," Tucker grumbled walking off.

Miranda turned and put her face in Ben's chest as if to protect her from all the stares. She knew that she was ridiculously loud last night and this man did not care. How was he supposed to settle down and have kids and he had this I don't care attitude when it comes to sex.

Miranda shook her head because she couldn't fathom him having a family with anyone.

"We are taking the boat over to pig beach and then we are doing a boat ride and dinner."

"Sounds great,"

Ben helped Miranda on to the boat and they walked over to the seats. He pulled her into his lap and wrapped his arms around her waist. Miranda looked back at him questionably.

"What? I know how scared you get." He countered.

"My hero," She said sarcastically.

"You see that big ass hickie you left on my neck?" Ben asked.

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