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"We keep sleep past breakfast," Ben noted laying in her neck.

"I know, I'm going to make us some chicken wraps once I get dressed."

"Okay, I'm going to lay here for a few," Ben responded sitting up off of her so she could go to the bathroom to get ready. Miranda honestly wore him out. She wanted to keep going and going. Exploring different parts of her newly found sex life and he did anything she wanted. He would go to the ends of the earth if that's what she wanted.

In the kitchen Miranda began to make their wraps.

"Mandy, can we talk?" Tucker asked.

Miranda looked up and paused, cutting the lettuce up.

"It's Miranda and about what?"

"Well, I got just wanted to talk to you, really."

"Okay, well stop beating around the bush and talk."

"First, I wanted to apologize for how I ended things. I was being a total idiot and selfish. I was acting like a boy and not a grown man. I wanted you to be up under me, instead of soaring. I was trying to clip your wings and I regret that. I should have never gave you that ultimatum. I know that now. I'm sorry."

Miranda stared for a while and pursed her lips together. "Me and Paige happened accidental. I should have never did that to you either. I know that had to hurt too but I realized that she's not you Miranda."

"Well duh," Miranda responded.

"She doesn't make me happy like you did and she's was my fall back plan. I miss you Miranda."

Miranda looked up at him and laughed for a second and then slowly realized it was not a joke. "Oh you are serious?" Miranda asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah I'm serious. I still love you Miranda. I'm already out in Seattle now so we don't have to worry about the move, which was the whole reason we broke up anyway."

"Tucker," Miranda started softly before taking a moment to look around the room. "I will never ever ever get back with you. I don't love you anymore. The love I had for vanished the moment you told me that we were breaking up and you weren't coming with me. Then you told me if I really loved you I would stay. It's us or my career. All love and hope was lost there. I don't know what I really saw in you besides the fact that we were young."


"No I'm speaking...you have a whole girlfriend. The woman who you actually moved out to Seattle for. You are disgusting for even telling or asking me that. What did you want from me? To break up with my boyfriend? I love my man. He actually sees me, respects me, values me, and he loves and cherish me."

"I really do," Ben agreed harshly staring at Tucker.

Miranda sighed and mumbled shit. She did not want him to hear that. "Oh hey baby, I'm almost done making our wraps." She said nervously as he walked over to her.

"You lost your chance to be with her and it's no redemption. She's mine and I promise I'm not ever letting her go. She needed a real man to come along and treat her like the queen she is. We are cut from two different cloths. When I see Miranda. I see greatness, brilliant mind, drop dead gorgeous. She is infact almost royal to me. You fucked up by letting her go and I appreciate it. But don't ever disrespect me and our relationship like you did a minute ago."

"It's okay Ben," Miranda said seriously.

"No it's not okay. I don't know what he takes me for or you. Acting like you are a jump off or something. Why would he ask you something like this while I'm less than 10 feet away. He should have known it was over with you all especially with the way he could clearly hear you the last 4 nights calling out who you belong to." Ben said crossing his arms smugly.

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