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The wedding was ending, and Ben was holding Miranda's hands as he said goodbye to his family.

"Excuse me, I'm going to use the restroom." She told Ben, sliding her hand out of his.

Miranda used the bathroom, and then she came out and began to wash her hands. Just her luck, the door opened, and Alicia walked through. Miranda gave her a small greeting with a head nod, and the woman smiled.

She walked past her and then backed tracked. "Be careful with Ben. He's a heartbreaker."

Miranda turned quickly to be eye to eye with the woman. "You don't have to -

"I'm just warning you. Gaurd, your heart doctor."

Miranda chuckled. "I don't need a warning, Alicia. I'm a grown woman, and I know what I got myself into. Ben's a good man. He just couldn't be the man you wanted him to be when you all were younger, and it's nothing wrong with that. You need to let that relationship go. Hanging on to the hurt and failure of that relationship won't do anything but make you bitter and look crazy. Similar to what you are now. You didn't come over here to really warn me. You are truly upset that Ben has moved on and everything that you wanted him to be at 18 he's being for me now.


"I'm still talking, and I know you feel this way because your mother is harboring just enough anger about the situation, too. I am done with this conversation, and I wish you nothing but the best."

Miranda wiped her hands with her paper towel and then used it to open the door.

"Hey," Ben greeted, walking up. "I got a little nervous when I didn't see you come back."

"Oh, I'm fine," she responded, taking his out stretched hand. "Your Ex just wanted to warn me about you."

"What!?" Ben asked, surprised.

"Mmmhmmm, she said that I need to gaurd my heart."

"I don't understand why she would do that." Ben voiced as they walked out of the event building.

"Me either," Miranda commented as she got into the car. "I just don't understand if, like you said. You both wanted different things. What is the problem?"

"You getting at something..."

"Your mom, dad, Carol, and Alicia. Everyone's acting like it's more than the story you told me. I told that woman I was your girlfriend, and she said he's adding titles to it." Miranda responded. "So what else?"

"Okay, I slept around. I have had sex with multiple women. Me and Alicia were together all through high school. We broke up at 18. I slept around in college. Even had sex with a girl and her roommate. We got back together at 21. Same thing I didn't want to settle down, and we broke up again. I slept around again. You know how it is. I was single, young, and having fun but careful. "

"No, I don't know how it is." She countered seriously.

Ben looked over at her before looking back at the road. "I have only had sex with one person. My whole life, and he's now marrying my roommate."

"You all broke up five years ago, Miranda."

"Don't you think I know that."

"I'm saying how is it that you have not been with anyone else."

"I'm just don't get around like you do, Dr. Warren."

"Seems like you are upset."

"Man, please. You are not my man. Why would I care who your ex or your flings are?"

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