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Miranda was all packed and ready. She listened to Callie and packed summery dresses and outfits. The wedding was on Saturday, and they were flying down to California today, which was Friday.

She was glad they were only taking a 2 hour flight. She didn't want to share a room with Ben, but he was so serious about looking the part. She stressed that they had to have separate beds.

"Hey." Miranda greeted, opening the door for him.

Like always She took in his outfit. He was wearing white shorts and a red polo shirt. His Nikes were red as well.

"Hey, here, let me grab your bags." Ben said, reaching around her to grab her small suitcase and the matching travel bag.

"Thank you."

"So I think we can fool my family into thinking we are in love. I especially need my mom to see that I am capable of being in a serious relationship."

"Are you though?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm saying why would you need to fool your mom. What's leading her to believe that you are not."

"Um, well, in college, I built quite the reputation."

"Oh, you are a player." Miranda concluded.

"No, not really. I just didn't see the means of settling down at that age."

"Oh, and you do now."

"Of course. That is when the right one comes along."

"How will you know if she is the right one."

"I'm not sure because I haven't met the right one ever, but I know she will be different than the rest."

"Hmmm." Miranda sounded nodding her head. She hadn't met the right one either, and she guess she would know when they arrived as well.

"Why did they want everyone there so early?"

"Well, my cousin is like me, and he loves golf. So we all are meeting on the golf course."

"Oh okay, you like golf...are you any good?" Miranda asked.

"Yes, I was on the golfing team in high school and in college."

"Hmm, I figured you were a football man."

"Nah, but I do love basketball, and I played that as well."

"Did you do any sports, Miranda?" Ben asked as he continued driving.

"Um, no. But I was in dance from the time I was a little girl. I also played the clarinet, and then when I got to high school, I switched to the oboe. Both the fingerings are the same." Miranda explained. "I was on the debate team and in the student smart bowl."

"Student smart bowl?" Ben questioned.

"Yeah, it's a competition against schools. They asked trivia questions, math, science, English, and all that type of stuff. I was the captain."

Ben looked over at her for a while.

"There's the look." Miranda commented.

"What look?"

"The looks guys like you give thinking. Oh, what a nerd she is."

"I am offended by the guy's like you comment. If you are summing me up to be in the category like your ex and honestly I was, I was thinking how hard it must have been to have beauty and brains your whole life."

Miranda snorted in laughter. "Brains canceled out my beauty all through school."

"So says who...people like you don't just get beautiful overnight. That's a beauty that grew and matured for years." Ben returned quickly.

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