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Miranda walked down to the cafeteria for lunch. She stood in the line and looked over as Ben walked in.

"Hey," she greeted happily. She was glad to lay eyes on him. She missed seeing his face a lot more than she was willing to admit.

"Hey, Miranda," Ben smiled, very happy to see her. She looked so good. He honestly couldn't wait for her family barbecue just so he could have the opportunity to lay next to her again.
"Can I join you for lunch?" He asked.

"Of course," she voiced, grabbing her tray and walking to a table.

As soon as they sat across from one another, they fell into step like they were back in the Bahamas. Talking, joking, and laughing with each other.

Ben reached out and squeezed her hand casually. Miranda looked down, noticing how much she missed his touch.

"Sorry," he apologized, removing his hand.

"It's fine, Benjamin. You're my posing boyfriend, and have been, I get it." She waved off.

"I enjoyed lunch with you, Miranda,"

"I did too,"

"We should do this again. I know our relationship is fake, but I really did develop a good friendship with you, and I would like to keep that."

"Okay," she agreed.

After leaving the cafeteria, Miranda walked to the on call room. She wanted to try to get a good 1 to 2 hour nap before her 3 hour procedure.

She closed the door to the on call room and then turned suddenly when it opened and Ben Warren was standing there. He closed it behind him before speaking.

"I missed you," Ben admitted as he brought her into a kiss and lifted her up. He pushed her white coat off of her shoulder and down her arms. Miranda moved one arm at a time to take her coat off. She reached behind him and locked the door before wrapping her arms back around his neck. "I missed you too,"

Ben sighed contently, her soft plump lips felt so good on his, and her lush body pressed against him was driving him crazy. How had he managed to stay away for this long. Ben's strong hands cupped her butt and pulled her against his hard penis. Miranda gave a low moan as he nibbled on her lower lip and his his tongue against her entrance. She opened her mouth for him and moaned when his tongue touched hers. He slowly thrust his hips forward, his penis hitting the heat between her legs.

After removing his own white coat, he moved with her and laid her on the bed. He grabbed her blue scrub top and pulled it up, and Miranda moved tossing it on the left of them.

He looked at her purple bra and licked his lips before moving the straps down. Her breast spilled free, and they both groaned as her hard peaks were exposed to both the cool air in the room and his gaze. Ben took her nipple into his mouth and swirled his tongue over it.

Miranda gripped the back of his head tightly and moaned lightly as she pressed his head into her chest. "Suck a little harder," she begged and wrapped her legs around his waist. They both moaned as he began to suckle her in earnest, using his other hand to tease the twin. Miranda began to thrust her hips forward and made low moans in her throat. He glanced up to see her mouth was open and wet, as if she had just licked her lips. Her eyes were shut, and her head was slightly tilted back on the pillow. God, she looked so beautiful. He switched his attention to her other breast and paid it the same attention.

Ben sat up, and Miranda pouted from the loss of contact of his lips. He pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it on the ground. Miranda pulled her scrub pants off with Ben's help after her took her shoes off. She waited patiently for him to remove his own scrub pants and licked her lips at his now freed penis.

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