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Ben opened the car door for Miranda and shut it after she got inside. Miranda would be a liar to say she wasn't nervous as hell.

He buckled up and began to drive to the restaurant.

"So tell me about yourself." Ben said, looking over at her before looking back at the road.

"Why?" Miranda returned.

"Because don't you think I need to know something about you. We are going to dinner with your ex, and we have to pose as a couple. Don't you think you need to know about me as well."

"The key word you used is pose. That means fake... pretend "

"Do you have to be this difficult?" He questioned, already getting annoyed.

"I am not being difficult. I just don't see how talking to you would

"Okay, forget it, Miranda." Ben voiced cutting her off. "In case you need to know. I'm 31 and am an anesthesiologist."

Miranda scuffed. "I'm 29 and is a surgeon."

"Great." He blew out a breath and cut the radio on.

Ben pulled up to the restaurant and found a place to park. He got out and opened Miranda's car door before helping her out of the car.  "Do you have any allergies?" Ben asked, thinking.


"Okay, good me either."

The two walked inside the restaurant after Ben held the door open for her.

"Hi, we are meeting some one...Tucker Jones." Miranda said to the hostess.

"Okay, right, this way."

Ben reached out and grabbed Miranda's hand. Miranda looked down at their intertwined fingers before back up at him and blushed.

She walked with him until the hostess stopped in front of the table.

"Good evening." Ben greeted Tucker and Paige.

"Hi," Miranda smiled wearily.

"Hey." The couple greeted back.

Miranda slid into the booth, and Ben followed sitting beside her.

"I'm sorry I didn't properly introduce myself earlier today. My name is Dr. Benjamin Warren, I am an anesthesiologist."

"Tucker Jones, I am a senior project accountant."

"Paige Insely an RN." She introduced.

"Miranda, I never knew what kind of surgeon you were." Paige said, smiling.

"Oh, I am cheif of general surgery. I focus on all of the abdominal organs and all of the digestive tract, and if needed and in emergent cases, we can perform surgery on any part of the body." Miranda explained.

"Good evening, I am kelsie. Can I start you off with something to drink."

"I'll have a glass of water with a lemon and a glass of your sweet red wine." Miranda ordered

Paige ordered her drinks and then Tucker, lastly Ben.

"So how did you two meet?" Tucker asked curiously.

"As you can guess, the hospital." Miranda answered in a duh tone.

"I think he means the full story, Miranda." Ben sated looking over at her. "I actually saw her in the hallway a couple of times, and she took my breath away." Ben started before averting his eyes from hers.

"I was fairly new to the place, but I wanted to get to know her. So, I switched surgeries with a friend of mine so I could be the anesthesiologist on her case. I was building up the nerve to talk to her. You see, Miranda is very snappy, and I heard from other co-workers that she was called the Nazi. Everything in the surgery was going smooth until the patient woke up on the table. I moved fast to get her back to sleep, but the damage was done."

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