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Miranda swore she had the best sleep of her life last night. 3 great orgasm had to be the key and wrapped up in Ben's arm. She needed this combination at home. She knew it could make her daily life better in general. As a surgeon, she always felt like she never had enough sleep.

Miranda stretched and opened her eyes. She sat up and looked around. Ben came out of the bathroom, and Miranda gave him a light smile.

"Good morning, beautiful, " Ben smiled.

"Good morning, Benjamin," she blushed. Miranda looked over at the clock and saw that it was the afternoon.

"Yeah, it's lunchtime now," Ben chuckled, looking at her face.

"Okay, I'm going to get up and get dressed, and then we can go downstairs...or you don't have to wait for me." She said nervously.

"I can go tell the cook what we want for lunch or see what they are cooking." He suggested.

"Okay, yeah."

"We are doing four wheelers today, so you might want to do some shorts instead of a dress."

"Okay, thanks."

Miranda got up, and she put on some shorts and a nice shirt before putting on her nikes. She placed her hair in a half up half down style.

"Hey yall," Miranda greeted with a bright smile. Ben looked at the glow on her, and he smiled. She was just so dam beautiful.

"They are preparing subs for everyone," he told her as she sat across from him.

Miranda watched Ben with the oreo cookie he had in his hand. He split the cookie in half and licked the icing before licking his lips. Miranda suddenly wished she was replaced with that cookie. She wanted her legs pushed apart and licked the same way until her juices were dripping down his chin.

Her body felt flushed all over. He eyed her, biting his lip with a smirk before biting the cookie altogether.

Miranda cleared her throat and looked at him a few seconds more before turning her attention to Naomi, who she didn't realize was talking to her.

"I don't think I heard about how you two met." Naomi said, referring to her and Ben.

"You didn't because I didn't tell you...at work." Miranda told her.

"Yep, our very first encounter was in the operating room." Ben informed.

At the start of the trail,
Ben got on to the four wheel, and Miranda climbed on, wrapping her arms around his back. Suddenly Ben took of driving down the path.

"Benjamin, slow down. we are going to crash."

Ben looked back at Miranda and smiled. "Calm down. I know what I'm doing. You seriously need to learn and live a little. Try new things. Like you did last night."

"What? Shut up that has nothing to do with this."

"You trusted me then, didn't you."

"Well, yeah, but that's-that's completely different."

"Oh yeah, how so, "

"Because Uh. You know what it doesn't even matter."

"Mmmhmmm. I enjoyed last night and the way you opened up to me."

Miranda gasped in his ear. She did, too, but they didn't need to talk about it.

Everyone was participating in the four-wheel tour. Driving in the Bahamian forest. They would stop ever so often to look at the map and pay attention to the things noted as scenic and apart of the tour.

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