Chapter 6: Farewell for Now

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The young lady watched the carriage disappear from her sight and she couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness in her heart. She had enjoyed the company of the duke and was disappointed that he had to leave so soon. As she turned to go back inside, her father caught her arm gently and led her to the garden where they could talk privately.

"My dear daughter," he said, "I can see that you have enjoyed the company of the duke tonight. What do you think of him?"

The young lady blushed at her father's question. "He is not like the rumors say, father. He is kind and attentive, and I enjoyed talking to him."

Her father nodded approvingly. "That is good to hear, my dear. But remember, he is a duke and he may have many responsibilities that keep him from settling down. You must guard your heart and not let it be broken."

The young lady knew her father was right, but she couldn't help the flutter in her heart whenever she thought of the duke. "I will, father. But I cannot help how I feel."

Her father gave her a sad smile. "I understand, my dear. But be careful, for a broken heart can take a long time to heal."

As the young lady made her way back to her room, she couldn't help but think of the duke and wonder if he was thinking of her as well. She hoped he would come back soon, so they could continue their conversation.

Meanwhile, the duke was deep in thought as he rode back to his lonely mansion. He couldn't help but feel disappointed that the young lady had not said goodbye to him. He had hoped that she had enjoyed his company as much as he had enjoyed hers.

As he lay in his bed that night, he couldn't help but think of the young lady and the possibility of a future together. He knew that he had responsibilities as a duke, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he had found something special in the young lady.

The next day, as he sat at his desk going through his duties, he couldn't help but feel distracted by thoughts of the young lady. He knew he had to see her again soon, and he promised himself that he would make it happen.

Little did he know that fate would bring them together sooner than he had anticipated.

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