Chapter 36: New Parents

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Charlotte and Alexander were overjoyed to be parents to their two little ones, Lord William and Lady Amelia. However, they soon realized that raising two infants was no easy feat. The crying and feeding schedules seemed never-ending, and the lack of sleep was taking its toll.

One day, Charlotte was feeling particularly overwhelmed with the constant crying of the babies. Alexander, on the other hand, was lounging on the couch, seemingly oblivious to the chaos around him.

"Can't you hear them crying, Alexander?" Charlotte asked, exasperated.

"I can, my dear," Alexander replied, not moving from his comfortable position. "But I'm sure they'll calm down eventually."

Charlotte let out a frustrated sigh. "I feel like I'm going to lose my mind," she said, rubbing her temples.

Alexander sat up, suddenly realizing how difficult this was for his wife. "I'm sorry, Charlotte. I should be helping more," he said, contrite.

Charlotte's expression softened. "It's okay, Alexander. It's just a lot to handle. Maybe we should take turns comforting them when they cry," she suggested.

Alexander nodded. "That sounds like a good idea. I'll take the first shift tonight," he offered.

Charlotte smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Alexander. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Alexander took Charlotte's hand and kissed it gently. "We're in this together, my love. We'll figure it out," he said, with a reassuring smile.

Charlotte felt her heart swell with love for her husband. Despite the challenges of parenthood, she knew that they would make it through together.

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