Chapter 10: The Duke's Visit

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The sun was shining brightly when the Duke of Blackwoodshire arrived at Lady Charlotte's house. He had sent a carriage preparer from the palace to pick him up, and after a long journey, he finally arrived at his destination. The Duke stepped out of the carriage and looked around. The Montagues' mansion was just as magnificent as he remembered, with well-manicured lawns and blooming gardens. As he walked towards the entrance, the door opened, and Emily, the maid, came out to greet him.
"Your Grace, it's so good to see you again," said Emily, her face lighting up with a big smile. "Please, come inside."The Duke followed her into the great hall, where he saw Monsieur and Madame Montagues sitting by the fireplace, sipping tea and chatting. They looked up as the Duke entered the room and stood up to greet him."Your Grace, it's an honor to have you here," said Monsieur Montague, extending his hand.The Duke shook it warmly. "Thank you, Monsieur. It's good to see you both again."The three of them sat down and had a long conversation about the state of the country, the weather, and other trivial matters. The Duke was grateful for the distraction, as he had been working tirelessly for the past month, trying to resolve the country's problems. But his thoughts kept wandering to Lady Charlotte, and he wondered when he would finally get to see her again.Just then, the sound of footsteps echoed in the hall, and the Duke turned to see Lady Charlotte coming down the stairs. He felt his heart skip a beat as he gazed at her. She was wearing a simple, yet elegant, blue dress that complemented her eyes perfectly. Her hair was pulled back in a loose bun, and a few strands fell gently on her face, giving her an ethereal quality.As soon as she saw the Duke, Lady Charlotte's face lit up with a smile. "Your Grace, welcome back. It's good to see you again."The Duke smiled back, feeling a sense of warmth spread through him. "It's good to see you too, my lady."The Montagues, sensing that the young couple needed some privacy, excused themselves and went out to the garden. The Duke and Lady Charlotte sat down on a sofa, and the Duke began to speak."I hope you've been well, my lady," said the Duke."Yes, thank you, Your Grace," replied Lady Charlotte, her eyes shining with happiness."I've missed you," said the Duke, feeling a sudden surge of boldness. "I've been thinking about you a lot."Lady Charlotte's face flushed with color, and she looked down at her hands. "I've missed you too, Your Grace," she said softly.The Duke leaned in closer, his heart racing. "I was wondering if you would do me the honor of accompanying me to the opera next week? It's a new production, and I thought you might enjoy it."Lady Charlotte's eyes widened with excitement. "I would love to, Your Grace," she said, smiling.The Duke felt a sense of relief wash over him. He was thrilled that she had agreed to go with him, and he knew that the opera would be the perfect opportunity to get to know her better.As the afternoon turned into evening, the Duke and Lady Charlotte talked and laughed, enjoying each other's company. And as the sun set over the Montagues' estate, the Duke realized that he had fallen deeply in love with Lady Charlotte.

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