09 The Attack

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The days passed by a blur. Dhwani and Niyati left for their respective locations. Meanwhile, I was here, engrossed in learning and mastering Python. I spent most of my time completing Kaggle tasks and expanding my knowledge on the subject.

It was close to midnight when I finally completed my daily tasks. I took a moment to stretch my legs and as I did so, I gazed out the window and noticed the beautiful weather outside. The cool breeze that came with the night was a welcoming change from the hot and humid days we had been having.

It was almost midnight so I decided to relax a little on the terrace. As I stepped out onto the terrace, the cool breeze hit my face. The night was quiet, except for the occasional sounds of crickets chirping in the distance.

As I strolled, listening to soft music, my attention was drawn towards a series of blinking lights in the sky. At first, I would have sworn it was an aeroplane, but it seemed to be getting closer and closer to me. Suddenly, it came to a stop near the building next to me. Before I could react, two men emerged from the so-called aeroplane, brandishing guns in their hands.

Before I could run, a pair of hands grabbed me and pulled me away. I was quickly carried off and landed behind the water tank. I was sitting with my knees closer to my chest and saw the person who was holding me.

It was Shivesh.

I was shit scared of what just happened, gunshots and that too in my house? I couldn't understand what was going on and above that how Shivesh knew and came here.

My heart was pounding out of my chest as I heard the sounds of gunshots ring in the background. I was absolutely terrified and couldn't comprehend what was happening. How could this be happening to me?

I saw Shivesh's face in the moonlight. He was tensed and worried. I could see the concern etched on his face.

Finally, our eyes met.

He said to me, "It's okay, We are leaving."

I still couldn't make sense of the situation, but I nodded.

He surveyed our surroundings and took my hand in his and helped me to stand up. As we looked around, Shivesh grabbed my waist with his other hand, and we flew to the edge of the terrace.

My eyes were wide in shock

We just flew

I couldn't believe what was happening as we soared through the air. It was like something out of a superhero movie, but this was all too real.

I heard machine rumbling sounds and they started firing.

Shivesh looked at me and said, "Just trust me"

Before I could react, we jumped from the terrace.

We fucking jumped from a 10-floor building and were freefalling through the air.

I instinctively clung to Shivesh, wrapping my arms tightly around his shoulders.  I was securing myself and in return, he was taken aback by my sudden gesture.

During this while, something struck me, I flinched and screamed in pain. My left leg started burning.

I screamed in agony as I looked down, only to see a dark, black hole burned into my skin. I realized that I had been shot, and my heart raced with fear.

Shivesh tightened his grip on my waist and we were descending with speed now.

As we approached the first floor of the building, I closed my eyes and tightened my hold on Shivesh expecting a crash.

But then, something strange happened. The speed of our descent slowed down, and we landed safely on the ground with barely a sound.

As we landed on the ground, my legs wobbled and my balance was completely thrown off. But Shivesh's strong arms prevented me from falling.

Within seconds, I was back on my feet, adrenaline coursing through my veins.

We were now running to god knows where, while ducking our heads in the process, trying to escape the attackers who were hot on our heels.

I was panting heavily and could feel the wind rushing past my face as we ducked our heads and hid behind a car for cover.

As I looked at my wound, I realized that it wasn't from a gunshot, but from actual fire. I looked towards our attackers and deciphered that there was no bullet but instead, they were firing flames at us.

Finally, the firing stopped and we took the opportunity to run towards Shivesh's car, which was parked at the end of the street.

I quickly jumped into the passenger seat, while Shivesh started the engine and drove the car away.

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