13 The Past

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"Why didn't you say anything about her in all these years?" I asked my mother as we made our way towards the main hall, leaving Ivyanah behind in the room

"Because we tried searching for her for two years but got not a single clue that the girl might be alive," she explained solemnly.

She continued, "On the day of the war, we advised Tara to stay in one of our safe houses because Ivyanah was only 8 months old." Her voice softened as she further explained their decision. "We couldn't risk her, especially when her daughter was just born."

Rajat uncle interrupted our conversation, his voice filled with a mixture of admiration and regret. "When she came to know the forces were outnumbered and there was a high chance we would lose," he began, "she decided to step in. It was actually her plan for quite a long time, but she hid it from us."

"As soon as she saw the opportunity," Uncle continued, "she safely left Ivyanah with her brother and left the house without even notifying us because we were all busy defending." He let out a deep sigh.

"It was our mistake that we didn't search for her more carefully," Arjun bhai admitted, a tinge of guilt evident in his voice.

"She was a smart lady," my mother interjected, her voice filled with admiration for Ivyanah's mother.

"But from now on, we should monitor Ivyanah's house as well," my mother asserted firmly, her voice carrying a note of determination. "Such a thing shouldn't happen again." The events of the night revealed the importance of vigilance and the need to ensure Ivyanah's safety.

Turning towards Arjun bhai and me, she continued, "One of you will stay with her until this thing is resolved."

We nodded in agreement

Ivyanah had been through a lot in such a short span of time. First, the attack, and now the revelation about her parents' truth. I hoped she was coping well in the room we had left her in.

"I am going to check on Ivyanah," I declared and turned to Rajat uncle and added, "And uncle, if you receive any information about Shekhar, please inform me first. I'll take charge of interrogating him."

Rajat uncle nodded in agreement, "Hmm, I am monitoring their movements."

The weight of the night's events hung in the air as I made my way through the hallways.

As morning arrived, casting its gentle light upon the house, I approached the office. Anxiety churned within me as I opened the door and my eyes fell upon Ivyanah lying on the floor. Concerned, I rushed to her side, carefully lifting her up.

I quickly gestured to a maid nearby, indicating to open the guest room for us.

With gentle care, I carried Ivyanah into the room, placed her on the soft bed and sat beside her

My eyes were drawn to her hand which was still clutching the photographs.

Her light brown hair fell delicately on her face, tempting me to brush them away, wanting to have an unobstructed view of her peaceful sleeping face.

Her innocent, childlike expression as she slept brought a smile to my lips.

Leaving the room, I closed the door softly behind me, while eagerly anticipating her next decision.

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