15 Who is Amara

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It was already evening when I woke up from a long nap. Shivesh dropped me off, and as soon as I entered my house, I slept. I had to prepare dinner and think about what happened last night and find all the answers that are plaguing me.

Who are Amara and Dev? What happened in that war? What do they want?

After I had my dinner, there was a knock on my door. I peeped through the hole in my door and saw Arjun Bhai leaning against the door frame.

I opened the door and smiled at him.

He spoke, "Up for a fun and interesting night?"

I chuckled and gestured for him to enter the house.

"So it's your turn today," I spoke.

"You were expecting someone else?" He lifted a brow in mockery.

I rolled my eyes and said, "Don't be silly."

He chuckled. "Shivesh is busy with some work. We managed to catch Shekhar, the leader of the attackers, so he is interrogating him."


"Do you want something to eat or-" I started to ask.

"No, I had my dinner," he replied.


I had been waiting to ask this question for a day now, so I shot him with my questions right away. "Who is this Amara, and what is the Saraswat clan?"

He straightened up and, after contemplating my question for a second, he said, "As you already know, the Saraswat clan was founded by three people, and their powers are transferred from generation to generation. Shivesh possesses wind and space abilities, while I, on the other hand, have the ability to control fire and land."

So Arjun bhai is also one of the heirs. I suddenly realised I didn't know anything about him.

"Last night when you were attacked Shivesh momentarily controlled the air to fly and land safely."

I simply listened.

"About Amara, she belongs to the third group. She is the step-child of the then Lord."

"What?? This means she was from our side?"

"Yes until her father, Abhijeet, disowned her. In the early days, Amara was extremely beautiful and intelligent. She was kind, and she lived with her mother and they used to occasionally visit Abhijeets's Mansion. Even Veer and Vanya, the legitimate children of Aqua, had no problems with her. But when the politics arose, several people raised objections to Amara. They started questioning her and laid several false allegations, claiming that she wanted power and was here to spoil the purity of the clan. They even stalked her mother and made their lives difficult. The situation got worse when they burned down her house and made her watch. To make matters worse, her mother was inside, and she saw her mother burning alive but couldn't help her as she was secured with chains. Her hands and legs were tied. So, she vowed to destroy and snatch everything from us, including our sacred objects."

I was shocked. Completely. What happened with her was so tragic but a question still remains.

"What about Veer and Vanya? Didn't they try to stop the people? And the lord? Was he happy to see his stepwife burning?"

"Veer and Vanya were influenced by people, and the Lord was afraid that his powers and people would no longer be on his side, so he said nothing. This affected Amara so much that she murdered the Lord's wife at night in front of the Lord's eyes. And after that, there was no going back. She submerged the whole city with her powers and even joined ASR."


"Yes, they are the people who want our sacred objects to become extremely powerful. First, it was Dev, with whom your parents fought, and now it is Amara. She has spent years controlling and amplifying her powers. She has also gathered people for her common goal."

I was still contemplating this whole story.

"What do we do now?"

He thought for a second then spoke, "We sleep before you get more tense."

I rolled my eyes and gave a stubborn expression of tell-me-now.

He smiled and said, "We will try to locate the sword now and bring back my locket from her."

"Your locket?"

"Yes, it was under our protection, but Amara anyhow acquired it."

"And the ring? You don't know where it is, right?"

He seemed impressed by what I had just uttered and said, "You did your homework." After a pause, he continued, "Yes, so our best bet remains the sword. Now you need to rest, and I'll be here in the living room if you need something."

I smiled, realizing it was late, and I probably should sleep.

"And if you need something, feel free to use my house."

We exchanged our good nights, and I headed towards my room, still processing all the information I had managed to gather.

Suddenly, as I walked, a thought struck me. My father's book! There must be something valuable in it, some clue or insight that could shed light on the current situation. Determined, I made a mental note to check the notebook first thing in the morning.

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