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I rolled my eyes and let out a long agonizing groan, I was getting pissed. He had already explained thousands of times what to do with 'x' and how to get the result but it just didn't make sense to me. Because why the fuck do we have to find x. Make x find itself. Or maybe if we can't find it, it's because HE DOESN'T WANT TO BE FOUND.

I got up and went to my mirror, I needed a break.


"Ina come one, come back"

Tom was starting to get impatient as I leant forward, applying a thick coat of lip balm. He had come over to my house after school after much debating, and was now sprawled on my king sized bed, dark red sheets wrinkled as he leaned his head on the wall. He was pissing me off and I couldn't concentrate so I just went up to my vanity and started fiddling with my hair and lips. Tom had made multiple jokes about me getting dolled up for him, which I had flippantly ignored as I focused on my smooth lips. I noticed I didn't hear him anymore. Before I could switch my attention back to the bed, I felt something press up against me making me catch myself with both hands on the desk, almost hitting my mirror head first. I caught myself and looked above me, glaring at Tom through the mirror.

Tom's POV:

I had decided it was a good idea to take on a different approach to get back in bed. To study obviously.

"Among other things" I muttered, lowly, as I looked at her expressions through the mirror. She had been ignoring me, and I had taken it upon myself to try to get a reaction out of her. I leaned forward, pressing my hips to her ass as I got closer so I could see her face, testing her limits.

"Are you okay? Is there something on ur face?" I asked in mock concern, as I put my arms on either side of her, I noticed she got on her elbows, bending over even more on the desk and arching her back for it to not touch my chest. I was liking this position a bit too much. She had been avoiding eye contact but I saw the fiery blush spread over her features. I smirked, cocking my head to the side.

"Marina, you can't ignore me forever"

I saw a shiver run down her spine as she looked up at me in the mirror, through dark lashes. I felt my heart speed up and the blood rushing to a certain part in me. She must've felt it because her once soft docile eyes turned malicious as she raised her eyebrow and grinded her hips on mine, I was immediately washed over by a heavenly feeling and I look out a groan looking at her through glazed eyes.

Back to Marina's POV:

I got up slowly, pushing his back with mine as I grinded into him. God it felt good.

As soon as I turned him and put my hands around his neck, (Him leaning back on the table as I stood between his legs), I quickly pulled back and walked to my bed like nothing happened, leaving him with a dumbfounded look and his pants fitting tightly.

I sat on my bed and pretended to read over the materials, but really I was just thinking about what just happened. I didn't expect him to do anything about me ignoring him, and when he got up behind me I wanted him to break my back then and there. I groaned as I thought about how he leaned in and made me bend lower on the desk, and then I GRINDED INTO HIM. A small smile appeared on my lips. I mean I wasn't gonna pretend I didn't like control, as much as I loved being tamed, I absolutely thirsted for that look Tom gave me when he accidentally groaned. I wouldn't describe him as a submissive guy, buuuuuuutttt.... That look was literally begging me to do it again. And let's not forget his hands grabbing my ass as I turned him. My lips inches away as I saw him looking at me with that same lust that I saw on the street that day.

I rolled my eyes, obviously I was just like every other girl, he gave no shits about me, just my body. I saw the bed creak as he scurried on. I lifted my eyebrow, he took a while to move from his position at my vanity. He turned his dark caramel eyes and grinned.

"That was uncalled for Ina"

"Next time don't try dry humping me" I replied dryly.

He frowned and laughed "Oh so I was doing the humping"

"Yep" I replied, popping the 'p', smiling a bit. I turned my head so he wouldn't see but he catches everything, let's be honest.

He grabbed my chin and turned my head to his, our noses almost touching.

"Are you being smitten with me?" His gravelly voice whispered , sounding a bit surprised.

I looked down at his lips while biting mine as I looked up innocently, batting my lashes.

"I don't know what ur talking about"

His fingers felt electric as I felt them spreading warmth from my chin to the tip of my toes. The tension was almost unbearable and I looked back to the math materials I had to go through.

For the rest of the evening we just joked and did math, the teacher gave us a bunch of free time during class and shit because she didn't think we were gonna do anything at home, so basically we had a bunch of time to talk, joke around and have fun. Thank the lords she underestimated our productivity.


THAT'S IT I literally cannot stop thinking about this man it's kinda scary...💀💀 BUT ANYWAYS ILL TRY TO UPDATE AS SOON AS I CAN


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