one two, buckle my shoe. three four, tom's a whore

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btw our boo's got CORNROWSSS fhjburbfkerbfwubfwerufbwerubwer my favorite era


it's been a few months me and Camilla have been in Germany, and Tokio Hotel has been growing in popularity. They recently left on tour and were coming back today. In an hour. We had mostly talk to Bill and Georg through the phone, but we weren't really sad about not calling them often. Its not that we didn't miss them, its just that we weren't the type to hang around if we weren't wanted, you know? We knew it wasn't personal.

Anyways it didn't matter, because we were soon gonna see them. We had kept away from the gossip and the fans on the internet because we didn't want it to impact the way we saw them... BUT WE COULDNT HELP OURSELVES. Yesterday night i had caught Camilla watching one of their interviews, so obviously i also watched. they all looked much older, Bill's hair was longer but he still looked sweet. The one who drew most of my attention was Tom. 

He had replaced his locks with tight black cornrows and looked older, more mature. The dreads added a bit of boyishness to his look, but the cornrows brought out his strong jaw and his cheekbones. god he looks so fucking good with those fucking cornrows. In our recommended my eyes caught sight of another video. My heart dropped. I clicked on it, hoping it was clickbait, but Camilla's gasp confirmed it. The video was titled 'TOM KAULITZ AND HIS CONQUESTS' in other words, the girl's he'd been with. The video was from latest, to earliest. My nose cringed in disgust as i saw an interview clip of him saying he had a new girl in his room every night. I think the most disgusting, was the pictures of him with girls during the time where we were seeing each other.

We were never a thing, and call me crazy but i had expected he would hold himself off other girls at least a few weeks before starting anything with me. But apperantly even that was too much to ask and i saw pictures of him with girls days after the incident in the car, and days where he said he was meeting with friends as an excuse to leave early from hangouts with me.

Saying i was pissed was an understatement. saying i bawled out my eyes was also an understatement. Camilla was up with me the whole night comforting me. God i was so stupid thinking we were ever a thing, i was ever important to him.

The smell of burnt toast snapped me out of my daze and i got the bread out of the toaster. I had decided that i would just pretend like nothing happened. If he was going to be a slut then i was going to treat him like a slut. Irrelevant. I looked at the clock, they would be getting here in a few minutes. I went up to get ready and picked out the most casual but hot but 'look at what you cant have' outfit ever.

 I went up to get ready and picked out the most casual but hot but 'look at what you cant have' outfit ever

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(with wtv bottom u want idk)

I put on some perfume and some hoop earrings and i strolled down to lie down on the couch. IT HAD TO LOOK LIKE I MADE NO EFFORT. Camilla also had the same idea so we just both lounged around the couch for like 15 minutes devising the plan.

1. She would spot them first and scream 'Bill'

2. I would turn around and say 'The rockstars are in the house' (not saying Tom because he can go fuck himself)

3. Camilla would run up to Bill and throw herself on him (Camilla wants there to be a kiss)

4. I would follow her and then I would hug Bill while she hugs the rest of the guys. 

5. I would go to the rest of the guys and right before i hugged Tom she would call me and tell me she needs help with something.

6. I would VERY APOLOGETICALLY say 'im glad your back' while i LEAVE MUAHAHAHAHA

(the way me and my friends actually do this is scary)

Right on time we heard the door open and Camilla winked at me, THE PLAN WAS IN ACTION.

I pretended i was flipping through a magazine and i soon heard Camilla scream "Bill!" Her face was bright with joy and i as she ran to him i turned around amused and called over my shoulder "The rockstars are in the house" I chuckled as i saw Bill complimenting her 'i woke up like this outfit'.

Behind Bill was Tom. Fuck we didn't think of this in the plan. Don't panic. I stood up and i heard a whistle. I laughed as i went to hug Bill.

"Wow Ina you look amazing" He said looking at my top. I laughed leaning back so he could look at it more clearly. I felt Tom's gaze on me so i pointed to my necklace, literally between my cleavage.

"I got a new necklace" Bill looked at the necklace then complimented it, Tom just kept on looking at my cleavage. What an animal. WHY DOES HE HAVE TO BE A HOT ONE THO. I extended our conversation as much as I could but then i had to turn to Tom. WHERE THE FUCK IS CAMILLA. I saw him eye me hungrily. Wrapping my arms around his neck i gave him a hug and a tightlipped smile. "Welcome home" Hs face turned to one of confusion and i quickly turned around to greet the rest of the guys. I purposefully laughed loudly with them because I CAN HAVE FUN WITH OTHER PEOPLE TOO.


The rest of the evening passed by and soon we were all sprawled on the couches. Camilla suddenly whined and asked me to unhook her bra because it was digging into her back. (she so real for that).

"Like how can you stand it M? Its like having sand paper against ur back" she pulled a face and i laughed. Bill next to us was becoming more and more restless and I rolled my eyes.

"Are you sure u want to take it off here?" I asked. She looked at me dead in the eye.

"Marina Maria Mendez, if you do not unclasp my bra this instance ill burn all your favorite ones. Besides, the fuck are they gonna do?" she pointed at Georg and Gustav half asleep and then at Bill and Tom. The seating arrangements on the couch was Bill-Camilla-Me-Tom. Don't ask me how it got this way.

"Besides, its a bit selfish of u to not wear a bra and make me suffer alone" I huffed out a breath then made Camilla turn around. I lifted the back of her shirt and unclasped it for her. Her bra was a light pink color, which she quickly threw behind the couch. I saw Bill turning red and she winked at me slyly. This woman. 

I huffed out a breath as i tried to concentrate on the movie. But now i was 10x more aware of Tom's gaze on me. Its because of what Camilla said. It was getting annoying so i turned to him irritated.

"What Tom"

A smirk appeared on his face. He coughed a bit then stole a glance at my cleavage. i rolled my eyes at his childishness. "Yes tom sometimes women don't wear bras." His smirk widened and stayed quiet. I looked down and realised why. Deja vu.



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