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ik y'all want to violently murder me rn but ANYWAYSYDYSYS I'm lazy as fuck and I'm on holidays so I'm like FIGHTING my laziness to post these chapters


Bill had a hard time getting home, he was drunk off his mind to say the least. He was blubbering incomprehensible words while all I could think about was her. She had single handedly wiped out any other thought and had ravaged the halls of my memories, so I could only think about my time with her. I dumped my brother on the couch and got a makeup wipe from the bathroom, he hated sleeping in his makeup.

"You'rrree suuch an idiooot" i rolled my eyes, I know I was. "She told me what you called her" he said a little more serious. I stopped wiping his left eye and stared at him. What did I say? Fuck what did I say. I don't know what I said. I wordlessly continued his makeup removal as he went back to being wasted. "Iffff OOOONLy yOu knewwww whAt he did to herrrrr" he blubbered into his pillow. I froze.

"What did he do"

He looked back at me, I think his eyes crossed at one point. God he looks blazed.

"Her ex basically abused her." He yawned and got under the covers. Before he could cover himself I grabbed his arm urgently.

"What did he do? Who was her ex? When did it happen?" He must've seen the panic in my eyes, because he opened his eyes wide, trying to stay awake.

"I'm pretty sure he sexually verbally and physically abused her before she moved here..." He threw up next to his bed and collapsed onto the mattress.

I fucked up. Fucked up real bad.

Marina POV

I was at home, a glass of wine in my hand. I normally don't drink the burgundy concoction but I was feeling fancy and to be honest pretty melancholic. I gazed out my window at the violent rain wrecking havoc on the pavement outside.

I sometimes like to pretend I'm in a movie, an old and tragic one. I'm draped in white satin as my red lips come to rest on the edge of my glass. My fur coat is the only thing that brings me solace in the face of the heartbreaking news that my husband is dead.

Then I remember his face and the whole illusion shatters, leaving me bare and crippling with humiliation on the grey dull street outside. Currents of water either trying to drown me or wrap me warmly.

I gulp down the rest of the sour alcohol in a gulp and go take a bath. The salts and soap console my sore soul and I end up staring up at my ceiling in my room. Pretty when you cry plays in the background...

Don't say you need me when,

You leave and you leave again,

I'm stronger than all...

An empty ache settles in my stomach and starts to tear through my skin, making sure I don't forget. I don't forget what happened, or what could've happened.

You're pretty when you cry...

My eyes close, and all I think about, are a pair of warm arms that smell of Cartier.




(bang bang into the room)

I open my eyes and see my blurry bedpost. It's cold, so cold, and the storm still wails outside like a restless child. I peel back the bedsheets and my body is thrust under the freezing air of my room. Someone is tapping on my window.


I angrily throw both sides open and pull my head out ready to bust someone up. My voice gets caught in my throat when my eyes land on Tom.

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