burn him at the stakes ong

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i did research on his hairstyles because nowadays ppl will literally say anything is culture appropriation, turns out there is some evidence of Germanic tribes wearing dreads but cornrows are typically African and have a big cultural significance. Tbh culture appropriation just depends on whether u educate urself on what ur wearing or not. idk if he educated himself in general.


"Can I help you" I breathed out. I hadn't seen him since we were super intimate then he left me. I felt tears beginning to cloud my eyes but I held them back. No. I walked up to him confidently and peeked over his shoulder, pretending to look for Toni.

"I wonder where he is... I'm getting impatient" i said dismissing him with a wave of hands.

"And that's why u decided to start selling yourself?" My blood ran cold. I stopped dead in my tracks and whipped around to face him.

"What did you say?"

"If you wanted sex you could've just come to me, but no, you just had to go around and fuck everything you see." that knocked me back a step. Never in my life had I felt such indignation. I blinked a few times, shocked. That's what he thought about the times we had shared together.

"Excuse me?" My voice coming out hard and strong, almost foreign compared to what my body was feeling. I couldn't hold it in any longer.

"IM selling myself? You're telling me that I AM SELLING MYSELF?" I seethed at him.  I felt my voice starting to waver but i choked it back. I got real close to him. "and if IM SELLING MYSELF what the FUCK do YOU do HUH?"i Pushed my finger into his chest making him step back then take a few threatening steps towards me.

"What does that make you huh? Because let's be honest, you're the sluttiest guy I've ever met, PROMISCUOUS doesn't even START to define you" I saw his jaw tighten and his knuckles whiten.

" Oh and let's not forget the hit and run, because I don't know about you, but when I'm intimate with someone, I STICK AROUND TILL THE MORNING, I don't leave early TO STICK IT IN SOME OTHER CHICK." I wasn't crying, but I really wanted to. His fingers were white and his knuckles even more colourless.

"What?" I threw my hands in the air. "ARE YOU GOING TO HIT ME?" He suddenly slammed me into a wall and got up close to my face.

"Shut the fuck up" he growled. My eyes got glassy and i looked away, cunt. An evil smile appeared on his face as he got closer "Oh you really thought what we had was special? Ohhhh poor thing" he chuckled darkly. I felt my heart break.

I looked at him long and hard. "I really hope you never find love because the second you do, you'll ruin it like you ruin everything you FUCKING TOUCH." I screamed at the top of my lungs, pushing him away. He blinked a few times. Stepping back he looked at me cruelly.

"I hope he treats you like the whore you are"

He stood there for a second before getting out, slamming the door behind him. I crumbled to the ground and started hyperventilating. Everything was blurry and my tears were splattering all over the floor. I heard a few voices down the hall and then rapid footsteps

"Fuck you Kaulitz"

I recognized Toni's voice. He came into the room and I didn't even process the next 20 minutes. When I came back to my senses I was sitting on the edge of his bed one of his shirt was beside me and he had undone the zipper of my dress so it wouldn't be a struggle. I changed into the shirt and called him back in. He wrapped his arms around me and I buried my head into his chest. We got under the duvet and he held me to him as I cried my heart out. He held me tight and his body was warm. It comforted me.

He held me the entire night, not letting go to get a drink of water, nothing. The next morning we exchanged numbers and he drove me home. When I got out of the car I gave him a kiss on the cheek and I told him I'd call him. Entering the house, everyone was in the kitchen, including Tom. I was in my dress but I had Toni's shirt over it, he wanted me to keep it? I had called Camilla and told her about what happened, that's probably why she was eating on the other end of the room, perched on the window, trying to get as far away from him as possible. When she saw me she ran at me and we both fell to the ground. She sat up and she looked down at me. No words were exchanged but she knew.

"I'll kill him." She said that loud enough so that Tom could hear and now they all realized I was home. While they were getting closer Camilla continued "no I swear I'll do it, I'll bleed him out from his balls." I burst out laughing and they all came up to me and said hi. The only one who didn't was Tom. Fake it till you make it. 

I got up with a big smile on "GUESS WHO GOT SOME TONIGHT" Camilla yet out a victorious screech and brought me a chair so that i would tell her all the details. Obviously Tom seemed uninterested but i knew he was paying attention.

I went deep into detail into some shit i invented, Camilla was holding on to each word out of my mouth, her reactions were priceless. In the middle of my retelling, Tom got a call. He just got up, and left. I stopped telling my story as soon as he exited the house.

"Hey what happened after the spanking?" Bill asked disappointed. Georg and Gustav booed and through pieces of toast they were eating. giggling, i told them me and tom got into a fight and i just said that to piss him off. Then they asked me  to explain what happened with Tom.

"He WHAT?" Camilla had thrown half the food she was eating on the floor and had spilled 2 glasses. She was the only one who knew what had happened with Will, so when i told her about the wall slamming she was concerned.

"Madre Mia are you okay? did you sleep well? do u need another psychologist?" she asked quickly, coming up to me, putting my face in her hands. The other two looked at us weirdly.

"I don't get it, he just pushed her into a wall, she doesn't have PTSD from that" I looked at Camilla and she nodded at me. They were trustworthy.

"I... had an abusive ex boyfriend who abused me for several months" i blurted out. The expressions on their faces were almost enjoyable to watch. Confusion, concern, anger, sadness, understanding. Their mouths opened, hanging wide.

"you had an abusive ex.... and he.... oh god he really fucked up" i nodded silently. I felt arms wrap around me and realised they were all giving me a group hug. i smiled, my heart was officially warmed.

I didn't know what to do about Tom, but after hearing that the call he received was from one of his hoes, i knew that i was gonna make him regret EVERYTHING.


this lowkey sucked ass vkvghvghvkgvuttttttuu

sori guys

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