THIS IS A CHAPTER but im learning italian rn and its so RARRAYVWYCVECV

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"ANOTHER ONE VENGA" Howled Camilla as she toppled over her chair and banged into my side, making me spill my drink all over the front of my shirt. I groaned in annoyance as my drowsy eyes turned to her.

"Camilla are you serioussssss" I said complaining as i downed my 9th drink of the night. My alcohol tolerance wasn't low, i got tipsy with 5-6 shots in my system, but the 2 next shots plus the adrenaline was not doing me justice. I swayed lightly as i got onto my feet. Grabbing Camilla by the arm, i hauled ass out of the bar, into the cool night. 

"fuck Cami, i cant drive, were both black out drunk rn." I said to her. She just looked at me and got up, wobbling a bit, then coming up into my face. Great, she's gonna rant to me.

"Mira Marina, the earth turns because of the sun..." I groaned as i leaned on a wall, already done and waiting for her to get the her point.

"The plants do their shit because of photosynthesis, u were born because ur parents fucked, i have blonde hair because the universe wanted me to look like the classier version of Elsa's Disney- wait no DISNEY'S ELSA-" she proceeded to cackle and lean into me. I just held her and rolled my eyes, when she gets drunk, she just gotta make a shit ton of metaphors for her to prove her point. IF SHE EVEN GETS TO IT.

"Anyways, WE HAVE LEGS FOR A REASON AND-" i just turned around and started pulling her ahead, her rambling on about that story about fish having legs... what is wrong with m best friend.

Eventually we walked side by side, because although i seemed fine before, the alcohol was REALLY KICKING IN. I literally could not see 3ft in front of me and to be honest, i was really just focusing on the concrete under my feet. 

After a while, i hear her heave me onto grass and sit down next to me, exhausted. I saw little stars in my peripheral vision, and i started giggling. I started feeling the grass around me, completely submerged in the feelings of my surroundings. i heard people talking in the background, but i wasn't really paying attention.

"Yeah she's gonna die tmr morning"

"do you need help taking her home, we can help"

"yeah sure, Tom, you carry her, i'm weak in the arms"

I heard a deep rumbling noise and i was suddenly enveloped in warm arms. Instead of running my fingers through grass, i was now running my fingers over warm cotton, and strands of hair tickling my face. I tightened my hold and sunk my face into someone's neck running my lips and the tip of my nose on the exposed skin. It was warm and i let out a hum of appreciation. I realized if i went up the slope of the neck, there was more skin to discover, so i lifted my face, running my lips over the person's neck with feather-like touches. i heard them sharply inhale and i continued up unbothered. I got to their jawline, and nudged it carefully, making my way to the back and gently taking the earlobe between my teeth and gently nipping it. I felt something pressing into my pants, rubbing a certain spot that lit up something in me. i whined softly as i grinded my hips to try to subdue the feeling, pooling into my lower stomach. I felt hands roughly gripping my waist, pressing me down. The person i was softly smelling turned their head and got close to my ear, biting the top slightly, as a light moan came out of y mouth.

" If you keep on doing that," a low raspy voice whispered into my ear, sending shock waves through my body. I whimpered a bit and dug my head into their shoulder, grinding my hips in protest. I was feeling too good. I low groan came out of their mouth, and i shuddered by how close his mouth was to my ear, the hot air sending tingles coursing through me. "If you keep doing that" he said. "I'm going to do something that the people in the car with us right now are not gonna like."

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