TOM IS SO ANNOYING (tom got me twirling my hair and kicking my feet and shit)

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The alarm blared in my room and i cracked open my eyes, feeling like someone ran my over. (wishing tom ran me over) NO no we are composed and we not just gonna- WAIT


we kissed.

We Kissed?


I rolled my eyes and turned on my side rubbing my eyes. I yawned and sleepily opened my eyes. I froze when i caught sight of a moment sent by God himself. Tom was sleeping soundly, dreads messy but still tied, his lips slightly parted, if this were a cartoon i would've been able to see the air entering and being exhaled by those pink soft lips. His eyelashes curled in such a way that if you just looked at his face, he looked peaceful, innocent, beautiful. Obviously he just ruins everything with his BARE CHEST OUT. BARE. NADA. NOTHING ON. I just glued my eyes to his well built chest, watching it rise and lower softly. His abs looked... nice. (they look delicious)

I rolled my eyes and sat up, i cant be drooling over him when he's literally unconscious. That should be illegal. I found myself stealing glances at his sleeping figure as i got dressed. 

"SHIT" I had a gig at another place. I groaned internally and looked at the time, I had an hour to get ready, AGAIN. its fine. The place was fancy, so something casual but preppy, but CASUAL. URGHGHGHHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHG

I tussled my hair and looked at my wardrobe. I caught sight of a long dark fabric at the back of my closet.

I couldn't contain my excitement as i pulled it out. Its perfect.

I quickly slipped off my PJ pants and top as i tried pulling the dress over my head

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I quickly slipped off my PJ pants and top as i tried pulling the dress over my head. I just want a disclaimer that even if the gods granted me my ability to look hot, they did not grant me the ability of good timings. Just saying. right when i found where my arms were supposed to go, i heard rustling behind me. Your joking, TELL ME YOUR JOKING. I couldn't go to the bathroom since i would have to pass Infront of him, and if i got out, BILL WOULD SEE ME NAKED.

I turned around slowly, dress still in hands. I was literally in a thong and a bra. I would rather go take a bath with a toaster than THIS. I saw his back was to me, which i thanked all the stars for. But he was slowly waking up. When i realized this, i scrambled to put on the dress. I MANAGED TO GET IT THROUGH MY HEAD AND ARMS WHEN HE SLOWLY STARTED TO TURN AROUND, SLEEPILY. The dress had only covered my bra, and THIS DRESS WAS TIGHT. LIKE REALLY FUCKING TIGHT. With some last hope i tugged it down to just under my crotch... on the front.

He turned around and saw me standing there looking like an idiot. Hair disheveled and holding my dress down at the front. I hadn't gotten in over my ass, so my legs were just there. I cursed myself for having wide hips, because you could clearly see i wasn't wearing pants, since the dress was being pulled down in a V shape. I saw him contemplate me for a moment, before giving me a cheeky smile.

"Were you... Changing Infront of me when i was sleeping?" He made a move to get up, and I knew if he did, it was game over so i very pettily screamed the first thing that came up to my mind


He whipped around so fast in fright i swear it hurt. I took this opportunity to pull the dress over my ass as fast as i could and as quickly as he turned around he whipped back to look at me in confusion. A devious smile spread on my lips as i witness the realization dawn on him.

"It was a diversion..." he said defeated as he looked at me betrayed. 

"YUUUUUUUUUUPPPPP" i said skipping up to him, and planting a kiss on his cheek. I turned around and continued on doing my makeup. When i checked the time i realized it was about time to go and i turned around. Tom had just been staring at my ass the entire time.


I looked down to see that this dress barely covered my ass, and i pulled it all the way, receiving 'BOO's from Tom.

"Shut up, now tell me if you like my outfit" I said striking a pose in front of him.  He was on his e stomach on the bed, so he was at the height of my stomach, he looked up at me and i literally felt myself get WETTER THAN ALL THE OCEANS COMBINED. (Mark my words i will top him one day.) 

I slapped myself so hard i forgot where i was for a second. i gotta learn to control these thoughts or one day i'm just gonna blurt something that's gonna send me to an early grave.

"Give me a twirl" he said cocking his head to a side at my weird behavior, why did he have to look so delicious.

I exhaled annoyed as i slowly did u full spin. I was suddenly dragged out of my daydreams by SOMEONES hands wandering. I turned around so fast it almost made me dizzy. I stared shocked at his guilty face. HE GRABBED MY ASS.

"I approve of the outfit" he said contempt, as he walked into the hallway.

I turned around and was HIJACKED by the best idea ever. I walked up to him as he walked ahead in the hallway.

"I think i also approve of yours" i said as i slapped his ass.

He froze and looked over at me in shock. I held my head high and tried my best to keep my face composed. We both just starred at each other like that for a while, until we couldn't anymore. I balled my eyes out laughing and fell onto the kitchen counter as he barely made it to the chair. We were both laughing our asses off and as i wiped a few tears i got my guitar case and as i headed for the door i saw tom running up. I thought he wanted a good bye kiss or something. But he put his hand around my waist and looked at me with loving eyes

"You look beautiful" I think he fried all my circuitry and i had trouble responding. Rolling my eyes and pretending to be NONCHALANTING(not a word and spreading misinformation i was very much CHALANTING).

"Obviously i do... you don't look too bad yourself" I said the last past lowly as he chuckled and we go into his car.

"So where are we going?" he asked me after a few minutes of him just staring at me. (IM SLOW AROUND BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE AND I WASNT GETTING THE HINT)

"Oh yeah i have a gig at Hotel Del Valle (Hotel of the valley IDK BRO SOUNDS ELEGANT)"

He looked at me as a smile spread on his features: "I'm gonna see u sing???" He looked so giddish i couldn't help but laugh. I nodded as his smile widened and he pulled out of the garage, his hand on my thigh.


i feel like thsi chapter ass guys rlly sorry idk

It mostly them being playful, i havent really gone into depth into Marina's backstory so ill do that next chapter.

also does marina get her own band or does she join tokio hotel. IDKKKKKK

i need hella sleep so ill see if i update tmr

i feel like shes TOO all over him in this chapter but at the same time we not gonna pretend she dont care about him yk?? i think i was just too excited about it so its just a bit too hyped

also should i do a subtom smut scene or not????? 

- yo girl 

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