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I woke up. I went to kitchen to make breakfast. I was making pancakes. When I was washing the pan I felt hands wrapped around my waist. First it felt nice but then I heared him whisper to my ear "Goodmorning love." I jumped to the side and first thing I did was grabbed my blades. "Easy love."

"Don't call me that." I siad to him.

"Why not I thought you like it." He said and started walking towards me. I backed away.

"Why should I like it." I said. He laught and was still walking towards me until my back hit the wall.

"If you don't like it why is your heart beating so fast?" He asked getting closer to me. My blade touching his neck. I couldn't talk. I tried to but nothing came out of me. Then thankfully Kitty interrupted us "Who made these?" She said pointing at the pancakes I just made.

"I did." I answered her.

"They are great."

"Thank you." Atleast someone. I went to her so I wouldn't be so close to Klaus.

"Klaus do you want some?" Kitty asked him.

"No Katherine I don't." He answered angrily.

"Umm Klaus can I get my phone back?"




"Then can I go outside?"


"You are unbelieveble." I was so angry at him. I left the room when I heared something ring so I followed the sound. It was my phone it was in Alarics bed room and Damon was calling me. "Hello."

"Great you found your phone."

"Ofcourse I did. Is everything alright?"

"Everything is fine. Can you somehow get to Mystic Grill?"

"I can try."

"Great see you there." He hung up and I went to kitchen with my phone in my hand. When Klaus noticed me he noticed the phone too. "Where did you found that?"

"In the bedroom. I hope you didn't think I wouldn't find it or did you?" I said provocatively. He just looked at me and the phone in my right hand. "Can I go to Mystic Grill?"



"Because you can run away. And we don't want that do we?" He looked at me with his beautiful eyes. They were so beautiful I thought I am gonna melt.

"Then why you don't you go with her?" Katherine said. After she said that I snapped back to reality and looked at her angry. Really Kitty Kat really.

"That is great idea." I just rolled my eyes and went outside. Klaus followed me. The second we were outside I teleported outside of Mystic Grill. I looked behind me and saw Klaus angry. When he noticed me I just started laughing. In a second he was standing in front of my and my laughty face.

"Did you had fun?" Klaus asked.

"Yeah a little." Then he grabbed me and pulling me into Mystic Grill. He then pushed me a little. How RUDE. "You could have been a little more gentle."

"No thank you." Klaus replied. I then saw Damon with Alaric so I teleported to them. "Hi!"

"I missed you Vivi." Damon said.

"I missed you too."

"Gentlemen why so glum." Klaus said. He just had to come here and ruin my fun. 

"Ugh. Klaus I presume?" Damon said while I ordered drink.  

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