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After Klaus gave all of them his blood, and snapped their necks, we were waiting for them to wake up. I saw Ray sitting on a rock. The human was laying on the ground with dazed expression. Klaus was feeding him his blood. "There." Klaus said to him. Klaus removed his wrist "Good as new. Now you relax, okay mate? We are gonna need you when the rest of them wake up." Klaus begun to stand up, and looked ober at Ray. Ray had his arms wrapped around himself trying to calm down. Klaus and Stefan moved closer to him. 

"There're dead." Ray said. "There're all dead."

"Ah, he's through his transition." Klaus stated. "He should be feeling better soon." Klaus watched Ray as he shook hugged himself tighter. "Well, he's clearly in shock." Yeah, no shit Sherlock. You just killed half his pack in front of him. "Once he gets over it he will be fine." Klaus said. 

"so is this your master plan?" Stefan asked Klaus and he looked at him. He was leaning against a tree next to Ray. "Build an army of hybrid slaves?" Stefan asked as Ray looked at Klaus. 

"No, not slaves. Soldiers, comrades." Klaus said. 

"I am not so sure about that. But I am pretty sure Stefan said it right, when he said they are going to be your slaves." My comment made him look at me. "I mean you kill anyone that doesn't like you, you torture people they love in front of them and then kill them anyway, even if they are gonna serve you. Why do you need them for? To do your dirty work? To kill for you?" I asked him. "I mean who would dare to challenge the might of Niklaus Mikaelson! You don't need them, you scare the shit out of everyone just as soon as they hear your name!" I yelled at him angrily. 

"Oh there's no need to yell, and you don't arm yourself after war has been declared, you know Vivienne." Stefan chuckled a little. "You build your army so big no one ever dares to pick a fight." Klaus told me. 

"What makes you sure they will be loyal?" I asked him and tilted my head. He turned around and looked at me as I stood in front of him. 

"Well, it's not difficult to be loyal, when you're on the winning team." Klaus said. 

"Oh yes, 'loyal' army that will kill you the first chance they get." I stated. Klaus looked at Ray, and when I looked I saw he was coughing blood.

"That's why you're, uh - You're keeping us around?" Klaus sat down next to Ray confused. "To witness our attitude adjustment?" Stefan asked. Ray had blood coming from his eyes and nose. 

"You'll know why I am keeping the both of you, when I want you to know." Klaus explained as he checks on Ray. I don't know what Stefan was doing, but he noticed just now what was happening to Ray and bent down to him. "Something's wrong." I walked closer so I could see better. Ray gasped as if he couldn't breathe. Stefan turned Ray's head towards him. 

"That shouldn't be happening, should it?" Stefan asked. Well I can't know about this, but I don't think blood will be running out of your eyes when you became a vampire. And I don't remember coming it from Klaus's eyes when he became a hybrid. 

"Well obviously." Klaus told him and moved to stand. Ray continued to shake, and I could see he was afraid. Klaus stared at Ray as he thought why this was happening to him. 

"You said it was gonna fell better. Why doesn't it feel better?" Ray asked at looked up at us. 

"Why is this happening to him?" I asked, and Klaus looked at me and then back at Ray. 

"Some master race." Stefan commented, and I looked at him seeing him leaning against that same tree. 

"oh shut up." I snapped. The woman in purple tank top woke up with gasp. We all looked at her as she looked around her. She had a line of blood coming from her mouth to the back of her neck. 

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