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I woke up tired, again. Since Klaus left that night, all I could do was think instead of sleeping. It was never anything particular, I was just thinking. I walked to my bathroom mirror, before I could start thinking again, and I looked at the bags under my eyes. I washed it away with cold water before brushing my teeth. For a few moments longer I kept looking at myself. I changed from my pajamas before I walked down the stairs. Before I hit the bottom of the stairs I stopped when I saw two dead girls right in front of me. I stepped over those poor girls and got to the living room, where Stefan was with few living girls. There was music playing as they played Twister, their blood dripping on the plastic mat. 

Stefan was sitting on one of the couches with the spinner in his hand before he spun the pointer and let it turn until it stoped. He looked at one of the girls on the mat before saying, "Uh-oh, Alexandra, left hand, please," the girl, Alexandra gets up and walks over to Damon giving him her left hand. 

"Hey, the two brunettes on the staircase owe me a Persian rug," I stiffened when I heard Damon's voice behind me. 

"You mean they owe us a Persian rug? It's my house too, brother," Stefan held out the spinner towards us. "Oh! Would you like a spin?"

"So this is what Klaus had in mind when he compelled you to protect your lovely Elena?" I asked him. 

"These ladies are helping me be all that I can be. And don't forget Vivienne. I'm supposed to protect you too," I took the spinner from his hand, then I turned it into ashes. He turned to me with puppy dog eyes and I just smiled back at him. I heard a knock on the door and went to open it when Damon stopped me and opened it himself. When he did I wished he would have closed it, because a real life Barbie came through. 

"Where's Stef?" she waltzed right through the hall and into the living room with hands full of shopping bags. 

"Who the hell are you?" Damon asked s he closed the door. 

"He left me here. My brother actually left me here," she put her bags on the floor right in front of me. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, your tone implies that I'm supposed to care?" while they argued there I walked over to Damon as I answered his question.

"This Barbie, over there, is Klaus's little sister," she must have heard me because she glared at me before looking at Damon. 

"Rebekah. Pleasure, I'm sure," she glared at me one more time before looking at Stefan. "Which one is my room?"

"You're not staying here," Stefan replied her coldly. She looked around, looking at all of us. 

"Rude. All of you. I'll see to it myself," she took her bags and walked to the stairs and up. I looked at the back of her head annoyed. 

"I don't know what I did, but alright. I'm going to make sure she won't take a room near me," I followed Rebekah upstairs. When I saw her she walked not into room next to me, no, she walked into my room. "This is my room. Get out,"

"No. I like this room. I want to stay here," she is like a stubborn child.

"I like this room too, that's why it is mine, Rebekah. Get out of it, or I will force you out."

"No! I want to stay in this room. You can pick another one," my blood boiled and I couldn't take it anymore. 

My eyes turned black and my wings appeared as I talked, "I said, get out!" she turned to look at me. She had a surprised face, but she didn't show any fear. Which is obvious for an Original vampire whose brother is Klaus Mikealson. When I finally realized I had shown my wings and everything in front of her I managed to calm down. I took a few deep breaths before quietly saying, "Please, get out." she listened. she actually left, leaving me in my room alone.

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