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Elena and Jenna were sitting on the ground. Jenna was clutching at her head, and I was trying to comfort her and Elena from the distance by using my powers (mind control). "Oh my head. What's wrong with me?" Jenna asked. I came to them and sat next to Elena. 

"Do you remember what happened?" I asked her. 

"You called me Elena. You were so scared Oh I should have known it wasn't you. The second I walked out of the house someone grabbed me a vampire." While Jenna explained what happened to her I looked down. 

Klaus, it was Klaus." Elena said. 

"He made me drink his blood. And I don't... I don't remember after that." Jenna then looked around "Where are we? What happened?" She asked Elena whilst still looking around. Elena took her hands into hers. 

"We are at the quarry. Klaus brought us here." I answered her. 

"Why don't I remember anything?" Jenna asked now even more scared. 

"Jenna do you remember....when I told you how can someone become a vampire?" Elena asked Jenna. 

"Yes if you die with vampire blood in your blood system, it's..." She began to realize what had happened "Oh god. He killed me!" Jenna said and I placed me hand on Elena's and hers. 

"Jenna listen to me. You are going to be fine. Everything is going to be fine, okay?" I asked her and she nodded. 

"I'm a vampire?" She asked me now and I nodded. 

"And I bet you're pretty hungry too." Greta said. Oh my god she is so annoying. Great approached us and Elena looked at her. She then saw a sharp rock and rushed to grab it, but she was too slow. Greta send her flying away just with a wave of her hand. I go after her with my blades but she took them somehow with her magic cut my forehead and snapped me neck. Suddenly everything went black again.


I woke up to see rings around Jenna and Elena, hearing Greta chanting some spell and my head ache. I then realized that I wasn't were I was before guess I went flying too and hit my head. I touched were it hurt and saw blood. 'What's happening I shouldn't be bleeding???'  then I remembered Greta used my own weapon against me 'That bitch' .I looked over to Greta, and saw Klaus holding a heart over the ceremonial bowl that was on fire squeezing the blood into the flames "Does that mean it's working?" Klaus asked her. 

"It is working." She answered. I tried to stand up but I failed and groaned. I held my head as I leaned against the rock for support. Klaus looked at me and sped over to me. He bended down to me and took my hand from my forehead. He looked angry yet sad and scared. He touched the wound and I winced in pain.He was shocked even though he doesn't know what I am but he realized that I was shocked too (lying I wasn't shocked {okay maybe little}).

"Are you okay?" He asked me, and I nodded. " I told you not to hurt her!" He yelled at Greta. 

"She was annoying." She yelled back. 

I looked at Elena, but she was paying attention to Jenna. I saw her with tears in her eyes and it looked like she was telling Elena something, but I was too weak to hear them. Elena started crying too and I felt almost bad. 

"Are you okay?" Klaus asked and I looked at him. I then realized he was still bent down in front of me. I nodded and he offered me hand so I could stand and walk but me dizziness wanted to do something else so I almost fell on the ground if it wasn't for Klaus. I smiled at him. "Thank you." I whispered and I knew he heard me because he was smiling too. He helped me walk to were Greta was standing and sat me down. 

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