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𝙶𝚎𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚒𝚊 𝙳𝚊𝚠𝚗 𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚠𝚜
    ♫ - "Everywhere" by Fleetwood Mac

   I was sitting at my desk, plucking my eyebrows, while I talked to Pony and Johnny who were sitting on my bed behind me.
   "Don't that hurt Georgie?" Johnny asked. Him and Ponyboy were very curious and watched my reflection in my vanity mirror.
   "Beauty is pain, Johnnycakes."
   Ponyboy's eyebrows furrowed. "Please don't poke an eye out." He clenched his teeth.
   "I make no promises, Ponebone."
     I was being pretty careful, not wanting to pick at the cut I got from the Socs the day before. It hurt like hell and looked like it too.
  Johnny suddenly jumped to his feet. "Shoot, I left my jacket at your house, Pony."
  I spun around to face him. "I can meet you guys and Dally when a I'm done getting ready. I'll only be another 10 minutes."
   It was around 5:20 PM and Johnny, Ponyboy, and I were meeting Dally to go to the drive in. Going to the drive-in was one of our favorite things to do. Sometimes Two-Bit or Steve would join us but they were both busy doing god knows what.
  "You go ahead Johnny, I'll stay back and walk with Georgia. Dally's over at my place right?" Pony asked.
   "Yep. We'll see you guys at the drive in." Johnny left the room and scurried to the Curtis house. I put on some jeans and a tank top, given that it was pretty warm, and did my hair. Pony waited patiently the whole time and looked at the photos and posters I had plastered on my wall.
   Once I was done I walked downstairs and into the living room with Ponyboy close behind me. We always stayed close together for some reason. Maybe it was for safety but I think it was more for comfort. I liked it a lot. I wanted to be with him all the time, everywhere.
    I had just recently noticed that he was protective over me. He was protective over all of his friends but more so me because I was a girl. It wasn't safe for a young girl in our city, or anywhere really. Ponyboy was a real good friend that way, always making sure I was safe. The guys tease him for it but I think it's sweet that he cares so much. A part of me wanted to believe that he liked me.
   "Whatcha smiling about?" Ponyboy asked from beside me.
   The sky was getting dark and we were walking to the drive in. I was thinking about how perfect everything was. It was a warm summer night, I was walking with the cutest and most perfect guy in the world, the stars were about to bloom, the street lights weren't on because the sun was still barely showing, and there were no Socs around. "Nothing In particular." I said.
     Ponyboy nudged me with his elbow, for his hands were stuffed in his pockets. "I like how you're always smiling."
   "Me too. It makes me happy."
   "I'm pretty sure it's the other way around."
   "Sometimes yeah, but when I smile I get even more happy." I look up to meet Pony's eyes. We smiled simultaneously and I giggled at the coincidence.
   "You happy?" He chuckled.
   I smiled even bigger, "Mhm, very."
   By then it was dark enough to sneak in under the back fence of the Nightly Double. Dallas and Johnny were sitting down when we got to there, they were able to get front row seats. Dally probably kicked some people out to get them. A good movie was playing for once. It was a horror movie, The Birds, about a bunch of birds going wild and attacking people.
   "Hey, man." Dallas slapped my shoulder as I sat down. "Any trouble walking over?" He questioned.
   "Nope. Tonight is the perfect night for walk. Perfect temperature."
  "You kidding? I'm sweating, man." Dallas tugged at his white t-shirt that peaked out from under his signature brown jacket.
  I scoffed. "That's your fault for wearing a leather jacket in the summer time, Dal."
  Dally wrapped me in a headlock and ruffled up my hair. "I swear man, you get more spunk every time I see you."
   I broke free from his chokehold and quickly fixed my hair. "What about you Johnny? Are you hot?"
  Johnny leaned forward in his spot next to Dallas "Not too much."
   "I think it's just you, Dal." Ponyboy remarked.
   Dallas clicked his tongue to the roof of his mouth. "I guess I'm just too hot to handle then, huh?"
   I laughed, and in return I got a dirty look from Dally. I stuck my tongue out mockingly, which made Dallas try to swat my face away. I swerved away and went to tug in his pointy ear but he caught my wrist just before I could grab ,it. Dallas could've easily beaten the tar out of me. He probably would too, if it was anyone else doing it. But we were just having fun and enjoying the night.
    Dally covered his face with his forearms. "Jesus Georgie," he chuckled, "you're a crazy little lady arnt you?"
    "Damn right I am!" I yelled and no one around us batted an eye. Since it was a horror movie, not a lot of Soc's were around making out or hanging with friends. The Soc's would've been horrified at me and Dal's interaction. But they like those dumb beach movies, so they weren't there to watch a horror movie and weren't there to give us dirty looks. I looked around and I couldn't seem to spot any preppy people. Johnny and Pone seemed to notice this too, and were more relaxed.
   "I'm gonna get a lemonade before the movie starts, does anyone want anything?" I ask, standing up from my seat.
   "Yeah, me and Johnny'll have cokes. I'm payin for all of us." Dallas answered while tossing me a few coins.
   "Thanks Dal!" I turn to Ponyboy. "What about you?"
   "A pepsi would be nice, thanks."
   I walked down the aisle of chairs and into the concession stand. The line wasn't too long so I got the drinks pretty quickly. When paying, I was a dime short.
   "Can you let it slide? I don't have any other coins on me."
   Just as the man at the register opened his mouth to speak, a boy stepped up and handed him some money. He winked at me, "I'll pay for you."
    I laughed nervously. "Oh no you don't have too, I have most of the money."
   "Its alright, I don't mind."
   I let the boy pay and thanked him once more before turning around and walking out. The boy followed me. "So, can I get a name?" He asked from behind me, just as I was about to go back to my seat.
   "My names Georgia." I said cautiously after turning to face him. He paid for my drinks and was acting like I was his new next door neighbor or something. I didn't know why he was being so friendly to me, a total stranger to him, and I was curious to find out. "Why do you wanna know? What's yours?"
   He extended his hand for me to shake but pulled back when he remembered my arms were carrying a bunch of soda cups. "I'm Phillip."
   "Nice to meet you Phillip." I quickly examined him. He had light blonde hair that was fluffy and un-greased. He looked like a boy you would see in a California magazine, with his baby blue eyes and rosey round lips. He was dressed in a white t-shirt and khakis. "Are you a Soc?" I asked him suddenly.
    Phillip scoffed. "Is that important?"
   I was almost surprised that he was asking that. Of course it's import, I thought, I don't wanna get jumped by another Soc. I tried to be polite. "Well I'm a greaser so, yeah."
   "Why does that matter?"
   "Socs don't like us greasers." I stated the obvious. I was surprised he didn't know what I was getting at. He must've been new in town.
   "I'd like to consider myself middle class." He charmingly grinned at me. He seemed to be very confident, but not too cocky. He was friendly. "I just thought I'd say something to you. You caught my eye."
   I cocked an eyebrow, something Two-Bit taught me. "In what way?"
    Phillip smirked and licked his lips. "Well when I see a pretty girl I take notice to her. You work at the DX, right?"
   "Mhm. How'd you know." Phillip was charming me. I wasn't really nervous when I was speaking with him anymore.
   "I go in there with my buddies a lot. I've seen you in there and always thought you were good looking. I recognized you in line and thought I would make a move."
   I shifted on my feet. "Well I'm flattered, Phillip." He seemed genuine.
   "I'm glad." He grinned. "Look, I'm having a party tomorrow night if you'd like to come. Maybe we could talk more then."
   I wasn't a big fan of parties. "I don't know, I might be busy."
   "Well if you aren't," he grabbed a napkin on the condiment stand next to us, "Here's my address." He handed my the napkin with his address written on it and we went our separate ways.
    I thought about his offer shortly while I walked back to my seat. Phillip was charming, and I was really tempted on going to his party. Who knows, this is how people meet all the time, I thought.
    "You took forever." Dally complained as I handed him his coke.
   I handed Pony and Johnny their drinks. "Sorry Dal, I was talking to someone."
   Johnny poked a straw into his cup. "Who?" He asked and took a sip.
   "Some kid named Phillip. He invited me to a party tomorrow night."
   "Are you going?" Ponyboy leaned his elbows on his knees with the cup in his hands.
   "I don't know, he seemed nice as far as I can tell."
   "Did he invite you cause you know him?" Johnny questioned, keeping his eyes on the movie that had started while I was away.
   I took a sip of my drink before answering. "No, he paid for the drinks and then told me he recognized me from the DX." I reached into my jean pocket. "Oh, here's your money Dal."
   I held out my palm for Dallas to collect his coins. He smirked after putting them is his jacket pocket. "Sounds like this Phillip kid likes you, Georgie."
   "How would you know?"
   Johnny turned to me. "He paid for the drinks."
   Ponyboy agreed "Yeah, what is he a Soc?"
   I shrugged. "He said he was middle class."
  "That's just a better-dressed soc." Dallas joked and took a sip of my lemonade.
   I yanked my cup away from Dallas.  "Well he was cute. I wouldn't mind if he was into me."
  "Socs are nothing but bad news." Ponyboy grumbled, leaning back in his chair and taking his first sip of Pepsi.
   "Yeah I know, but he ain't a Soc and he didn't care that I was a greaser." I pointed out.
    "Listen Georgie," Dally started, "middle class preps only talk to grease girls when they want to pick 'em up. He ain't looking for anything serious."
   I bit my top lip as I thought. Maybe Dal was right and Phillip was only interested in getting with me. "Who knows, maybe he's my soulmate." I joked, but I didn't want him to be my soulmate. I had my eyes set on Ponyboy, who didn't seem to have his eyes set on me.
   Johnny laughed, "Imagine that, Georgie married to a Soc." Dally chuckled too, but not Ponyboy. Ponyboy stayed silent up until out walk back home.
   Dallas and Johnny were walking in front of us. I was originally walking with them but I fell back to walk beside Ponyboy who had been been quietly walking alone. "Did you like the movie, Pony?" I asked.
   "It was alright. Too much screaming."
   I chuckled. "Yeah, my ears hurt a bit now." Ponyboy looked up from the ground and gave a small smile. His eyes weren't in it though. When Pony smiles, his eyes smile too. "Are you alright Ponyboy? I hope the movie didn't scare you too much."
   A short breath of air escaped his nose as he smiled again, still not a whole smile. "I wasn't scared. You were the one flinching every five seconds."
   "Birds were flying towards the screen every five seconds, how could I not?"
  "Did you think they were gonna pop out the screen?" He was starting to cheer up.
  "You never know, Pony."
   Finally, Ponyboy showed me his real smile. We slung one arm over each others shoulders and continued walking home and enjoying the nice weather. Usually it's really hot in July, so I wasn't expecting the night to be as nice.
    "Do you think you're gonna go to that guys party?" Pony asked.
    I shook my head, "I don't know yet. I think Dal and Johnny are right, he probably just wants to get with me."
    Pony stayed silent but nodded his head. His arm that was before draped over my shoulder moved to my torso. It was a hesitant movement but it made me nervous none the less. He was staring straight forward so I leaned forward to look at his face.
   "What?" Pony smiled shyly while still looking straight ahead.
   I laughed a little. "Oh, nothing." I said innocently and moved my arm around his torso. Pony's eyes widened and a blush formed on his face. I laughed again and tickled his sides which made his face even more red as he started laughing.
   Pony quickly shoved me away. "God Georgia," he laughed, "why'd you gotta be like that?"
   "That's just who I am, Pony." I was smiling so hard that my eyes almost closed. Being with Ponyboy made happier than anything.
   As we arrived to our neighborhood, Dally and Johnny slowed down and fell in with us. "Y'all goin' home?" he asked.
   "Not right now." Pony said. His arm had returned to my torso. He and Johnny would probably stay out some more but I was tired and wanted some sleep.
    "Whatcha plan on doin for the rest of the night?" Dally said, lighting a cigarette. "There's not much to do as a kid your age."
"We can sit at the lot." Pony said, turning to Johnny and I for confirmation. Johnny nodded his head but I had to decline.
   "I think I'm just gonna head home. I'm really tired."
   "Then I should get you home before going to Buck's." Dal said and took a long drag on his cigarette.
   "Is he having another party?"
   Dally grinned. "You know it, man." He motioned for me to follow him. "See y'all tomorrow."
    My body felt colder now that Pony's arm wasn't around it. It definitely wasn't colder but it felt like it. Dal had slung an arm around my shoulder as we walked home. When Pony had his arm on my shoulders it felt different. His touch left my skin feeling radiant, almost tingly. I missed it. Badly. I craved it.

ITS ABOUT TIME ➤ Ponyboy CurtisWhere stories live. Discover now